Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, Quinn found herself waking up and staring at the door. The sun was leaking in through her curtains, gently touching her skin, warming her cheeks. She fluttered her eyes, blinking the sleep away, letting loose a deep sigh. She felt a sharp pain tickle across her stomach, and she knew it was hunger pains. She was dizzy and tired, and knew she needed to get up. She needed to be strong. She had people counting on her and she couldn't let them down. But where would she find the strength?
Just then her door opened and black walked through. She felt her stomach drop and a lump form in her throat as he sauntered in towards her bed, his eyes dark as black holes, staring down at her. She quickly curled up into a ball and pushed herself to the furthest corner of her bed, trying to be out of arms reach of him. He sat on the edge of her bed, still glaring down at her. A devilish smirk wiped across his face .
" It's time to stop this bullshit Quinn." he grumbled down at her with a voice as dark as his eyes.
She swallowed hard, finding it difficult when her mouth was dry and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She couldn't look at him. She felt like she would be sick, so she stared down at her mattress hoping and praying he would just get up and leave , but knowing she wasn't that lucky. She heard him chuckle under his breath, and she felt the bed shift as he slowly lifted his arm and wiped a curl out of her face. This caused her to flinch, remembering what had happened the last time he was here and he reached out for her. Her skin crawled. Her eyes stung with tears and her throat was raw with rage. She could feel the anger building and bubbling inside of her, begging to come out, begging to be set Free. Black watched her for a moment more silence radiating between them, you could practically feel the air.
" if you do not get out of this bed and come down and join me for breakfast, I will drag you by your hair." Black, finally grumbled, breaking the silence.
He had had enough of this tantrum from Quinn. He was hurt, and he was angry, and he felt betrayed and used. Learning that Quinn and Draco had a history made him feel like he was worthless, like she had been waiting all of this time for this man to come and save her, and here he was to take her away. Black knew he couldn't let that happen. Quinn belong to him. He found her when she was broken and he glued her pieces back together, one by one until she was able to stand on her own 2 feet without him, and then he helped her even more by giving her power and a position in the ranks Where people called her Queen. How dare she take him for granted how dare she take this life He gave her for granted how dare she take his love for granted. No. that wouldn't do he would teach her where she stood he would put her in her place and make sure she never left it again, and then he would kill Draco and make sure she was the one holding the knife. He Stood to his feet and stomped to the door, grabbing the knob, turning ever so slightly before he walked out.
" I will see you at the table." he grumbled before he finally made his exit.
Quinn finally caught her breath as he left. She hadn't noticed she had been holding it this whole time until her lungs were screaming at her to take a breath. She slowly crept to to the edge of her bed. Her bones ached and her muscles screamed with every movement but she knew regardless of blacks motives. She did need to get up and eat. So she lifted her chin high. She took a deep breath, and she pushed down that bubbling rage inside of her because she knew she would need it later on to help her put an end to all of this.
After she had gotten dressed and made sure her lips were bright, red, and her curls cascaded down her back perfectly she made her way down the stairs slowly to the kitchen. When she pushed through the door and made her way in, she was greeted with the smell of fresh bread and porridge being made. The cook looked up, excited to see her and gave her a soft smile. She tried to return it, but had no energy to pull her lips into a smile so she nodded her head and just walked through making her way to the table. She sat down in her normal chair next to black as he read the newspaper there were a few other people sitting at the table, chatting and eating like nothing was wrong, like there was no evil in this house, like there was no pain under this roof. She felt that rage bubbling in her stomach a little bit more but yet she still held it in. The cook brought in her plate and set it in front of her. She stared down at carefully selected fruit and fluffy buttered rolls, she lifted her hand and reached for a roll, pressing it against her lips, closing her eyes as she felt the warmth. She slowly put it in her mouth and took a bite, and when she opened her eyes, she realized black had been watching her intently. This made her stomach drop. She quickly put the bread back down on her plate, placed her hand in her lap and closed her eyes once more slowly chewing the food, trying not to throw it up all over the table.
" where is Thomas?" Quinn carefully and quietly asked, keeping her eyes closed and her head down.
", if you must know, I had him and your little lover boy thrown in the prison cells. Don't worry they are being looked after I'm taking care of that personally. If you'd like to see them and say hi, I can arrange that." He spoke Softly, like this was an every day conversation between the two of them.
Quinn slightly looked up at him and realized he had a dark look on his face. He was smirking, but it wasn't a mischievous smirk, or even a devilish smirk. No. This was more of a murderous smirk something so evil and unnatural had broken inside of black, and it terrified her, not just on a surface level, but down to her core. She knew what he was capable of when he was angry, or pissed off, or in a bad mood, and she had seen him on occasion With psychopathic tendencies, but she had never seen this side of him. She wondered if he had ever seen this side of himself and that scared her even more because he would not be able to control it if he had not. Quinn swallowed hard but probably too loud because she heard black let out a chuckle. She slowly nodded her head in agreements with him, hoping that It wouldn't become a fight, and it wouldn't become more than just her stopping in to make sure they were OK and leaving, but she knew deep down. It was probably more than that.
" All right tonight after dinner you can come with me to deliver their food so you can see that I still have them alive. But just remember if you do try anything or get any ideas that can always change. And don't forget who alls Life is on the line not just his and not just yours, but Lyra's as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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