Chapter Five

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The next morning, Quinn got dressed and made her way out into the hall. She looked around, almost expecting to see Draco still out there. She took a deep breath when she realized it was empty. The house was quiet, everyone was still sleeping and all she could hear was the breathing of the walls around her and the creaking of the floor beneath her. She slowly made her way down the hall, to the stairs and into the kitchen. Once inside she could smell fresh bread and bacon. The cook was resting against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and his head slumped forward. Quinn softly cleared her throat and the man jolted forward and grabbed his cooking spoon, shuffling the bacon around in the pan.
"Good morning." Quinn giggled. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"Oh, good morning miss. You didn't startle me. I am just making some breakfast for everyone. Are you hungry?" He nervously smiled.
Quinn nodded her head and made her way over to a chair that sat in the corner of the room. She sat in it and watched as the chef began preparing her a plate. He placed a fluffy toasted roll and some strips of bacon on it then set it on the counter for her to take. She then watched as he spooned a few servings of porridge into a large bowl and set it on the counter next to her plate. Quinn stood up and walked over to the food, picking up the plate in one hand and the porridge in the other.
"Oh no ma'am that's not for you, but if you would like some I can make it fresh with butter and salt." The cook smiled, grabbing the bowl quickly out of her hands.
"Oh no, that's okay." She shook her head, turning to head to the dining room. "Who is it for?" She asked slowly, stopping in the doorway.
"We got a new prisoner yesterday and Black told me to feed him well but not too well. I figured porridge was the good middle ground." The chef explained, adding a dash of salt to the bowl.
Quinn studied the porridge like she was waiting for it to speak to her then she looked up and set her plate down on the counter.
"I can take it to him." Quinn blurted, a little too excited. "I mean, you look busy and we don't need to wake Black to do it. I can take it."
Quinn knew this was a terrible idea but she couldn't stop herself from volunteering. It was like her heart took control of her body and it wanted to see Draco.
"Oh, that's okay ma'am I can- "The chef began to say.
"I insist!" She practically shouted, taking the bowl from the cook.
"Al- alright. " The chef nodded his head reluctantly and returned to his cooking.
Quinn nodded and headed for the door to the green house. Her heartbeat quickened with each step she took, but her feet were moving so fast she was almost running. She hurried through the green room until she reached the door that led into the prison room. She placed her hand on the door and froze, suddenly unable to find the strength to move.
'All you have to do is push. Come on Quinn, PUSH DAMNIT!' She internally shouted at herself.
She slowly pushed the door open as it felt like a hundred pounds. The creaking from the hinges sounded like alarms in her ears. She had to focus on her grip on the bowl so she wouldn't drop it. Finally, she stepped inside and looked around. Her eyes stopped on a head of blonde hair. She tiptoed to his cell, noticing he was asleep against the wall. She crouched down and placed the bowl on the floor, not taking her eyes off him. She could hear his breathing and she could smell him. Mint and apples hit her nose and suddenly her heart ached. There was a time when that smell made her feel safe, now all it does is break her heart.
'What are you doing?' She began to think. 'You shouldn't be here. Leave, before he wakes up.'
Suddenly Draco began to stir and his eyes started to flutter open. Quinn jumped up and hurried for the door, ripping it open as quickly as she could and slammed it shut behind her. She rested her back on the door and could feel her chest huffing for air.
Draco sat up after someone had awoken him. He didn't see their face but he could see a head of blonde curls rushing out the door.
'Quinn?' He asked himself.
He shook his head and looked down to see a bowl of gray porridge on the floor. He slid over to it and picked it up, realizing it wouldn't fit through the bars. Whoever left it here didn't open the gate to put it inside. He rested his face against the bars and brought the spoon to his mouth, slurping the sludge off it. After a few moments, he finished eating and went back to resting against the wall. He decided that while he was here he would catch up on some rest he had missed over the past couple weeks trying to save wizards and witches and give them a new start. He closed his eyes and began to drift off.
'Small, warm hands lightly caressed his chest and shoulders as soft lips pressed against his neck. He closed his eyes and let out a small moan, grabbing her by her waist.
"Quinn." He grumbled.
Quinn raised her head and looked down at him with a soft smile. Her light, blonde curls falling around her face and tickling his cheeks. He lifted his head off the pillow and crashed his lips into hers, holding the kiss as long as his neck would allow him to before it gave out and caused him to rest it back down on the pillow. Quinn let out a small giggle and rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Draco could smell her hair and he closed his eyes, feeling it tickle his chin.
"I love you, Draco." Quinn spoke softly.
"I love you too." He replied.'

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