Chapter Three

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⚠️Some sensitive sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.⚠️

Quinn laid in bed that night staring at the ceiling. She was restless and couldn't even bring herself to close her eyes because every time she did all she could see was him. Tall, strong, blonde hair that hung down over his forehead and his deep gray eyes with specs of blue scattered in them. She could see Draco like he was standing in front of her. She rolled on to her side and looked out the window, taking a deep breath as she watched a small star shoot across the sky. She wanted to see him. she wanted to hear his voice and feel his hands on her skin. She missed everything about him, but she knew she couldn't. she knew that Black would kill Draco and possibly her as well. She had to find a way to keep him alive but get him as far away from her as possible, all without seeing him. she finally closed her eyes and let her memories take over. She could feel herself falling asleep and she decided she was okay with that. If she couldn't see him in person than her dreams would have to do.
'Quinn could feel the warm skin shining on her face as she laid sleeping in a large bed with white fluffy pillows and white silk sheets. She could feel a hand gently grab her shoulder and tug on it, signaling for her to roll over. She smiled but let out a loud groan. She rolled over and could see Draco sleepily smiling at her. The sun was gently shining on his skin causing him to glow and his hair was a mess on his head. His eyes were like deep gray oceans as his eyelashes fluttered the sleep from them.
"Good morning love." Draco whispered.
Quinn smiled and placed her hand on his cheek. He slowly leaned into her face and placed a small, soft kiss on her lips. When he pulled back and looked down at her, she suddenly had a saddened feeling deep in her chest. She could see Draco smiling down at her, but she felt like she missed him. she craved his touch like she hadn't had it in years, and she wanted more of his lips. She jumped forward and crashed her lips into his, climbing on top of him and grabbing at the back of his neck. She could feel his hands as they traveled down her back and to her waist. Little moans escaped her lips and she- '
"Quinn, darling it's time to get up." Black spoke softly.
Quinn's eyes shot open, and she looked around the room, searching for Draco. She huffed and crashed her head back down into her pillow when she realized it was a dream.
"You okay?" Black questioned as he stood up and walked to her window, pulling back her curtains.
Quinn squinted as the sun came crashing in and blinded her. She sighed and nodded her head, slowly making her way out of her bed. Black walked over to her, placed his hand on the back of her head and tilted it up so Quinn was forced to look up at him.
"There are new beetles in the holding room today. Yaxley brought them in last night. He will be staying home for a few more days then I am sending him back out. If you want to stay in your room or my study for the next few days, I can have Thomas keep you company." Black gently spoke, trying to let Quinn wake up.
"Oh- uh- no, no that's okay. I'll be fine love." Quinn's eyes got large, but she tried to cover up her guilt.
She smiled at Black and kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight to his body, letting out a soft groan. They slowly broke their kiss and stared at each other, Black not wanting to leave her and Quinn wishing he was Draco. After a moment Black finally pulled away and headed for her door.
"Alright, well get some breakfast then and I will come see you tonight." He smirked at her and winked before leaving.
Quinn could feel butterflies fill her stomach and she couldn't tell if it was from excitement or guilt.
'What do I have to be guilty about? Draco left me. he made his choice years ago and I am with Black now." She thought.
She still couldn't shake the feeling of missing him and wanting to see him. she shook her head and continued to get ready for her day. After she had gotten dressed and brushed out her hair, she headed down the stairs and to the kitchen. She smiled at the cook who handed her a plate of fruit then she made her way to the dining room. When she walked in, she could see Thomas who was studying a book and Yaxley who was picking at his teeth with his pinky finger. He sucked whatever gunk he had pulled from his teeth off his finger and smiled up at Quinn.

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