Chapter Eight

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Quinn headed toward the front entrance, feeling her heart beat with each step she took. She tried to swallow but her mouth was so dry she could barley move her tongue. After what felt like an eternity, they stepped into the foyer and she slowly turned, looking up at Draco, who had not stopped watching her from the moment he saw her. She cleared her throat and gestured around the room.
"This is the front room. It is not a gathering place so if you have business to handle or a conversation to hold, it must be done elsewhere. Those doors lead to the kitchen-"
"You're fucking joking right?" Draco interrupted her. "I don't see you for years because you were DEAD and suddenly you're here and you think I care about some stupid house tour?!" He raised his voice in frustration.
Quinn tried to shush him but he stepped away from her.
"NO! You owe me an explanation! I tried to kill myself after you died. I couldn't take a breath without you. I had to leave the place I grew up in because all I could see was you everywhere! Now I find out you're still alive!" He began to pace and run his hands through his hair.
"Draco, lower your voice!" Quinn pleaded.
"NO! I-"
"He- they will kill BOTH of us if he knows.. if he knows about us." Quinn whispered looking around.
"Who? Black?" Draco asked.
Quinn nodded.
"I know I owe you an explanation but not here, not now." She sighed.
"There you two are!" Black announced, making his way down the steps.
He walked over to Quinn, grabbed her face in his hand and kissed her.
"I have to go, but I'll be back for dinner... and dessert!" He winked, kissing her again. "Don't forget what I told you earlier."
Quinn nodded and straightened his tie. Black looked to Draco and gave him a nod before heading to the door.
"Don't have too much fun you two. Oh and Quinn.."
Draco was glaring at Quinn and she could feel it. She kept her gaze on Black and raised an eyebrow.
"I love you." Black smiled.
"I love you too." Quinn croaked.
With that, Black was gone and Quinn's face got hot. She slowly turned again to face Draco. He had his tongue pressed to his cheek and his hands in his pockets. He closed his eyes and slowly sighed.
"You love him?" He whispered.
"It's not that simple." Quinn scoffed.
"Do, you, love him?" Draco asked again.
"Yes." Quinn stated.
Draco looked up at her. He could feel his heart crack at those words. Quinn could practically hear it. Draco silently headed for the stairs.
"Tour over." He mumbled.
"Draco!" Quinn shouted after him.
She felt like all the air had been sucked from the room as she watched him walk away. She bit her lip and knew if she told Draco the truth about how she truly felt for Black, about how she dreamed of Draco every night and loved him more than her own life, Black would kill them both.
She began to march up the steps behind him. She reached the top and could see him stepping into his room. She felt tears begin to stream down her face and she wiped them as she began to run down the hall. She made it to his door and raised her fist to knock on it. She heard shuffling and turned her head to see Thomas standing at the other end of the hall. She froze. Her blood went cold. She had been caught, Black would find out and-
Thomas softly smiled at her and nodded his head then turned and walked the opposite way. She loosed a breath before finally knocking on Draco's door. He ripped it open, glaring down at her.
"What." He flatly said.
She stared at him, his sculpted face and his deep ocean gray eyes. His blonde hair that flopped over his forehead. He looked exactly like how she remembered but somehow more matured. He was taller and his shoulders were wider, stronger. She almost fainted just looking at him.
"Yes, I love him-" she began.
Draco went to shut the door but she caught it with her hand.
"I love him because he saved me. You left me there. You left me behind." Tears began to fall down her cheeks.
Draco froze with his back still to her.
"I woke up in the hospital with no memories. I had no idea where I was or what had happened. The only thing I knew was I loved some blonde haired boy named Draco. I didn't even know my own name! But you weren't there. Black was. He nursed me back to health and brought me here. I didn't love him at first but when I realized you weren't coming for me I had to move on because if I didn't-" she was sobbing now. "If I didn't I would have actually died. I was slowly breaking more and more every day. I missed you so much that my chest physically hurt and so did my throat every morning after I woke up from screaming myself to sleep every night. I may not have died during that war but I died the day I woke up after it, when I realized you left me!" She fell to her knees, clutching her chest and sobbing. She watched every tear as it hit the floor, reliving those first days here in the house. She didn't even notice that Draco had turned around to look at her. That he had fallen to the floor next to her and was now holding her against his chest as she- as they both wept. He grabbed her face and began wiping away tears with his thumbs.
"Quinn I only left because I thought you died. I held you in my arms as I watched you stop breathing. I stopped breathing at that moment and I haven't taken a breath since, until I saw you this morning. I haven't lived, I haven't slept, I haven't been able to do anything without you. You were my world and I lost everything when I lost you. If I would have known- Quinn please believe me, if I would have known-" Draco stopped talking to catch his breath.
Quinn watched him. She watched as this stone faced man turned into mush in front of her, talking about her. She leaned forward, grabbed his face and kissed him. Draco leaned into her and wrapped his arms around her. She could feel him take a deep breath and it was like he was breathing life back into her. They pulled apart and stared at each other for a moment.
"I have loved you every day-" Draco started.
"I love you more. I love you so much. Draco Malfoy you are the love of my life." Quinn interrupted him.
Draco smiled.
"I have to tell you something." Quinn blinked up at him.

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