Chapter Ten

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Please be warned. SA, Suicide and Abuse are all in this chapter.

Quinn laid awake that night, listening to each beat of her heart that was pounding in her ears. Every time she closed her eyes to try and sleep, her panic woke her right back up. 'What if Draco does something or even says something and black finds out?' She thought. 'He would kill us both, and that can't happen. I can't leave this place either, out of every person here if I were to run away Black would tear through the earth to find me,' The only thing was, she wasn't sure if he'd do it to get her back out of love or out of control. She let loose a sigh and rested her arm over her eyes, trying to focus on anything else. Eventually she was able to drift off.
Draco laid awake in his bed, unable to sleep, knowing Quinn was a few doors down the hall. He stared at the ceiling as he played back the last few years in his head. All of the pain, the grieving and anger he felt with the world, with himself. He slowly lifted his hand to his chest, running his fingers along the scar he had. It was raised and rough, a reminder of what he lost but also that he survived. He remembered that night like it had just happened. It was the first night in his new house. He had moved away to escape the memories of everyone he had lost. He sat on the cold floor in a large empty master bedroom, with a bottle of whiskey. He was trying to drink away his sorrows. 'Pathetic.' He thought. He remembered getting up and walking to the window, staring out of it up at the sky. He could see the moon, like a large bright bulb floating in the sky, surrounded by a million twinkling stars. Suddenly he could feel a sharp pain in his chest. He knew it all too well. His breathing picked up and he placed his hand on the window to keep him balanced. Anger was rising in his belly like bile. He began to groan in pain, louder with each breath until he was screaming his throat raw. He clenched his fist and punched straight through the window, shattering it all over the floor below his feet. He sank to his knees, feeling glass dig into his skin, but being too numb to care. He picked up a large shard, lifted it up so he could study it then with one quick motion shoved it through his chest. He figured it would end the pain he felt every day in his heart. He had lost his world. His love. His light. Quinn and their baby were gone and all he wanted was to see them again. He slumped forward, letting the warm red liquid spew from his chest and cover his lap and arms. He looked up and locked eyes with Pansy who was crying and screaming something but Draco didn't care enough to listen. Eventually the room went black.

Draco squeezed his eyes shut, trying to erase the memory of that pain. He let out an irritated groan and swung his feet over the side of the bed, throwing the blankets off of him. He stood up and began pacing the room, chewing on his lip and running his hands through his hair. 'Why was she so afraid of this place? Of Black? She says she loves him but admitted he would kill her. That's no love. That's fear and control.' He thought. He knew he had to find a way out of here, with Quinn. But how? He figured his mother had sent search parties for him but they didn't know where to look or who to suspect. He was going to have to be the one to make the escape and get her out safely. He needed to talk to her, figure out more, see her again. He glanced up at the door and quickly walked to it, placing his hand on the knob, but he froze for just a moment. Finally he flung it open and marched down the hall until he reached Quinn's room.
Quinn woke up to a knock on her door. She rolled over and quickly climbed out of bed. She groggily pulled the door open to see Black standing there in nothing but a pair of sweat pants. His hair was ruffled on the top of his head and he had a glazed look in his eyes.
"Hello love." Quinn whispered, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
Black smirked at her and gently pushed past her.
"I couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd come pay you a visit. We haven't spent much time together lately and it causes me to miss you, every inch of you." He cooed.
Quinn walked over and sat on her bed, finding it hard to focus on what he was saying. She let out a yawn and stretched her arms above her head. Black watched, licking his lips. He prowled forward and placed his hand on the back of her neck, pulling her head up and forcing her to look at him. This caused her to wake up a little more.
"Ow Black!" She shouted at him.
Black leaned down and smashed his lips against hers, shoving his tongue down her throat and gripping a fist full of her hair.
"BLACK!" Quinn managed to mumble against his lips. "STOP!"
He pulled away, staring down at her before he threw her head down, releasing her hair. He chuckled as he began pacing her room.
"Remember how I said I looked into our new friends background?" Black asked coolly.
Quinn's heart began to thunder in her chest.
"Well, there was one thing that didn't come up. He was very close to a woman, but I couldn't figure out who.. until tonight." He hissed.
"Black.." Quinn slowly breathed. "We were just kids-"
Black slapped her across her face, causing her to fall back on her bed and let out a small scream. She grabbed her cheek and felt hot tears begin to pour from her eyes.
"I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!! And you repay me by LYING TO ME!?" Black shouted.
Quinn curled herself into a ball in the corner of her bed furthest from Black. This was the Black she was terrified of. This was the Black that would kill her. She felt warm liquid dripping onto her chin and raised her fingers to feel blood leaking from her nose. It dripped down onto her white nightgown but all she could do was sit there.
"I let that fucker live with us. I called him family all while you two were probably fucking behind my back." Black seethed.
"No Black! I swear we never-"
"Shut the fuck up!! You think I'm going to trust a word from your whore mouth?" Black began to laugh, a dark, crazy laugh.
"I may not trust it but I can put it to good work." Black smirked as his eyes grew dark.
He reached over and grabbed Quinn by her chin, pulling her forward. She fell forward on her stomach and began to sob, trying to fight against him but he grabbed her by her throat with his other hand.
"Shut up! You think anyone else can take care of you the way I do? You think anyone else can love you, fuck you and provide for you like I can. So from now on, I guess I'll just have to remind you how good you have it until it's permanently engraved in that tiny fucking brain of yours." Black spat at her.
He grabbed her cheeks and squeezed, forcing her mouth open, then with his other hand he undid he sweatpants and pulled out his member. Quinns eyes grew large and she began to sob harder. Black put both hands on the back of her head and forcefully shoved himself inside of her mouth, causing her to gag and choke. He began to pump his hips, harder and faster with each thrust, letting little grunts and moans escape his mouth. Quinn placed her hands on his thighs trying to push him away but this caused him to slap her in the side of the head.
"I'm not stopping until I'm done!" He grunted at her.
Quinn squeezed her eyes shut, praying this would end soon. She thought about biting him but all that would do was anger him more. So she let him finish. She laid there, for what felt like hours as he finished in her mouth. Once he was done, he stopped moving but kept himself inside of her mouth. He glared down at her, grabbing her hair and forcing her eyes to look up at him.
"I'm going to pull out but you're going to swallow me. If you spit any of it out, we will go again." He growled.
Quinn nodded. He slowly pulled himself out of her and she slammed her mouth shut, closing her eyes and swallowing hard, forcing it all down. Black smiled gently and lowered his face to be even with hers.
"If I catch you two talking to each other, I WILL kill him then I will kill you then I'll kill her too." Black whispered.
Quinn's eyes grew large. She looked up at Black, tears stinging her eyes and a lump forming in her throat.
"Black.. please leave her out of this." Quinn begged.
"Then learn to listen Quinn. Know your fucking place under my roof." Black spat before turning to leave and storming out of her room.
Quinn laid in her bed, covered in blood and tears, feeling her cheek swell and her hair fall in messy tangles around her face. She slowly sat up, wiping the spit from her chin and mouth and glared at the door as it opened once more.
"Quinn? What the fuck-" Draco rushed in, gently grabbing her face in his hands.
Quinn winced from the pain but kept her eyes on the door.
"We have to kill him." She breathed.

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