Lost Rose

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A blur of long brown hair is all the maids saw as Mia rushed down the hallway to the princes room, She swiftly opens one of the large doors causing a breeze to hit the princes desk, a few papers shifting from their original place. 

The prince looks up and sees Mia then a puzzled expression goes across his face, Before he could speak Mia had already started

"Please tell me lady Rose is with you"

 "I'm sorry?"

"Lady Rose, she wasn't in her room when I went to go check on her this morning and none of the servants or guards have seen her today"

"Well I would assume not, Her letter specifically said she wasn't going to be back for a few months"

 Mia's eyes widened as the prince holds up a light pink envelope.

"She wouldn't have left the castle on her own accord without me"

She says as she reaches for the letter. She carefully opens at reading the contents inside.

The prince calls over the twins.

"Keith, Coraline fine lady Rose. Do not leave any part of this Castle not search through, take as many guards as you need. we're finding her by tonight" 

They nod their heads then quickly leave the room.

The soft knocking sound emerges as Zara knocks on Prince Zane's door, A loud grumbling comes from the other side.

"Come now little brother, I've given you an extra day here but we must return home now"

Absolute silence.

Zara rolled her eyes turned around and leaned up against the door Crossing her arms.

"Little brother this is childish, we have to go"

A palace guard caught the eye of Zara as he came walking up She stood up straight.

"State your business"

 He bowed "my apologies however the prince has ordered Prince Zane to leave immediately" 

"How come?"

"A Noble has gone missing in the castle" 

Zara tilts her head "Who-

"My apologies lady Zara but I am not permitted to say"

The door opens up and Zane steps out "where is Revoce"

"The prince is most likely out in the courtyard right now but your highness he has ordered you to leave for your safety"

 Zane snaps back at him "And we WILL be! However the only Noble that the  Prince would be tearing the castle apart for, is Lady Rose and if she is gone missing I'm going to at least some information"

Before the guard could stop him, or say anything Zane had already pushed past him. Zara followed after him.

"Little brother I understand you want answers but we really should go specially after this" 

He spoke almost with a whisper "I understand and we will I just need to know everything's going to be okay"

Revoce Stood in the center of the courtyard talking to Mia, A group of Palace guards approached them.

"Your highness, we searched the palace walls and the border there's no sign of a forced entry or a struggle to leave"

The prince looked at Mia it almost looks like Hope was draining from his eyes.

"Search the forest surrounding the castle"

"Of course" They all dismissed themselves

"Revoce what is happening, please tell me it's not lady Rose that's gone missing"

Zane said as he walked up to the both of them.

Mia spoke up.

"She wasn't in her room when I went to go fetch her this morning"

"And no one's been able to find her" The prince said almost ashamed of the words.

"Where's Keith and Caroline are they looking to?"

 "Prince!" a voice called All three of them.

look towards the voice it was Keith in Coraline, Almost is a speaking their names summoned them.

"Please tell me you've got good news"

the prince said The twins looked at each other and then in unison said "no-

"It appears princess Annabeth has gone missing as well" Keith said

"There was no sign of a struggle in her room, it was as if she just got up and left, similar to Rose's room"

Coraline said as if continuing the story that Keith was telling

"So they weren't taken then? If they had there would have been some trace of that" Zane said hopeful

"Not if whoever took them were really good at what they do" Coraline said with a straight face

"But how could have someone like that gotten into the castle in the first place" 

"They could have always been here" Zara said chiming into the conversation

"So say they were taken are we thinking they were taken by the same people?" Zane said confused

"I hope wherever they are- The prince pause for a second before continuing "I hope they're together and safe"

The sound of water hitting the ground echoed through the room, Light streams of light came through the boarded-up broken windows. 

Don't move, don't breathe, don't make a sound.... In the silence thinking seems so loud, Something hit the wood outside.

The sounds of chains than echoed through the room.

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