The Alter

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Long strings of light showered through the broken windows, dust being visible dancing throughout the light.

Laughter echoing loudly throughout the church

"Took you long enough" A disembodied Female voice said

Mia and the others stepped inside carefully Coraline aimed her bow up at the ceiling Where's several torn tapestries swung.

"I wasn't sure if she was going to be that important to you all"

"This is pretty cowardly of you, hiding from us"

"Oh hush now guard dog you're just upset because you were not able to protect your lady"

"Where is Rose!!"  Mia shouted her words echoing off the walls.

Echoing laughter responded "She's right here puppy"

An Old tapestry got ripped away showing roses Unconscious body, her body laying on what seemed to be an altar.

"See, look at that safe and sound"

A short, petite girl walked out from behind one of the pillars, Her long silver hair half pinned up 

"What the hell! Annabeth?!" Revoce Said in shock.

The girls tilted her head with a smile "mhmm"

"What is wrong with you! why would you do this?!"

"hmm hehe Well I was bored"  Annabeth laughed

Coraline aimed her bow right at Annabeth 

"Oh I wouldn't do that, I can make your lovely rose do anything I want right now"

Rose's body got up unnaturally, almost as if it was being puppeteer.  Transparent shackles forming around her wrists

"Wakey wakey Rose, your friends are here to see you"

Rose barely lifted her head her hair covering her face

"Oh come on they came all this way to come see you and you're not even going to say hi how rude"

"Rose please you're okay we're here!"

"See look how much they care about you even though they know what you are"

Tears started to fall onto the ground below Rose

"Oh that's right they don't know. They would never treat you so kindly if they knew" 

Annabeth grabbed Rose's face "should I tell them"

"Get your hands off her!!"

"Hush down, puppy, there would be hell to pay if I hurt her"

She tilted Rose's head up to look at look at her

"At least physically that is, He said nothing about psychologically, Do they know the reason why you hide away one of your eyes?"

"Please stop.." Rose whisper

"Are you going to bed? I can see why he likes you, You know he's way more protective over you than anyone"

"What are you talking about" Tears falling off of rose's face

"You should show them how beautiful both your eyes look while crying"

"Please stop I don't want this!!" Rose started to try to pull back from Annabeth's grip, Annabeth grab Rose's hair and turned her towards her friends

"Too late princess, they now know-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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