Broken frame

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The sky was a light shade of pink and the sun just peeking over the mountain tops, it would have been such a beautiful sight if not for the situation.

Three horses were led around front, each one fully stocked with a saddle and two saddlebags.

Mia handed Coraline one of the reins to the horses, well Keith put a couple more items in the bags.

"Lady Zara and Prince Zane left earlier this morning heading back to their Kingdom" Mia said bringing Revoce his horse

"Zane protested but with some convincing he left with his sister" she continued

Revoce nodded his head staring at the mountains.

"Sir there's no way they've already made it into the mountains, even if they went in that direction it's too far"

"I know... But I feel like they're so far away from us right now"

He looks down at the lead in his hand-

"Mia what if we can't find them?..."

"We will find them. We have two of the best trackers helping us, plus Rose is really strong she wouldn't give up without a fight"

"Lady Mia we're ready" Coraline said as she hopped up on the her horse

"Good. now let's go find our lost Rose"

Everyone climbs up on their horse. Keith and Coraline sharing one, Mia and Revoce riding separately.

They sent out through the North Gate, heading towards the mountains.

The forest was beautiful this time of year, if only They had time to enjoy its beauty.

They rode along for several hours. the mountains were not inherently far away, however the path they had to take was a long one.

The forest had started to get thicker and darker, even though the sun was directly above them, and their horses had started to slow down.

"What if we can't find her?"

Mia lifted her head a bit

"Your highness this attitude won't help us find her, The truth of the matter is that we are not the only ones looking for her, almost your entire kingdom is. She will be found and the person how response will be put to the block..."

Mia said with a straight face.

Revoce Stared at her not sure what to say.

"Your highness- Coraline called "I think it's time for us to let the horses take a break"

"Alright lead the way"

Coraline let her horse off the path into the forest, and the two others followed.

They travel deeper into the dark forest for about 5 minutes, Coraline wanting to make sure that no one on the road could see them.

Coraline and Keith hop off their horse, and Mia did the same.

"We shouldn't be resting we need to keep looking for Rose" Revoce said as he slowly got off his horse.

Coraline quickly turned around

"Well your highness how about we get on your back and travel for hours without a break!"

Revoce try to open his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off again.

"And trust me I understand that you're stressed, we are all stressed! You need to remember that she's not just your friend, she's ours as well!"

Keith grabbed Coraline's arm "Coraline please, you need to calm down!"

Coraline whipped her head around staring her twin brother in the eyes, tears starting to form in hers.

Keith stared at her back and just shook his head. Coraline yanked her arm back and lowered her head

"I'm going to go look for a river I'll be back" She said with a low voice.

Keith didn't even try to stop her, he knew that she needed space and she knew the area pretty well so shed be safe.

Coraline turned her back to everyone, walking in the opposite direction wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

She walked for a few minutes, picking up a stick along her way and smacking it up against the tree, the branch cracked on impact, seeing how little harm was done to the branch she smacked it even harder and it shattered.

Coraline took a deep breath. she dropping the small piece of stick left out of her hand.

She lifted her head and noticed a small clearing behind a couple large trees off to her left.

She turned her head to look towards the direction of her group, then continued forwards towards the clearing.

The clearing wasn't super large or super small it looks like it could fit a nice small house, however it looked  like grass no longer grow there and the trees around wouldn't grow any closer.

The ground was stained with a black mist, and there was a few piles of rocks scattered around.

as she got closer she noticed a gravel pathway leading towards one of the piles of rocks She traced each pile of Rock with her finger and noticed that it made the shape of a house, a house weathered by storms and by fire.

She hit something hard with her foot and when she looked down it was a broken frame, she tried to pick it up but quickly realized it was too fragile to move from its place of rest, and whatever portrait once laid within the frame was burned beyond recognition.

It made her sad, It made her wonder what type of family once lived in this house, what type of meals they prepared together.

She wished she could remember what happened to her family, she knew she had one and Keith would tell her stories, but all she could remember of her childhood was a deep burning feeling of sadness and regret.

She hated trying to think about it it always gave her a headache as if the memory was deeply suppressed in her head. What could be so bad that I can't remember it She thought to herself as she stood back up.

She took another look around the clearing and decided it was time to head back to the group.

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