Stone path

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The sound of heavy who's hitting gravel started to be heard in the distance.

Mia lifted her head and looked over at Keith's, He had also heard the same sound and was now looking around.

The horses got closer and closer, at least three or four.

Mia and Keith simultaneously crouched down to the floor, Mia tilted her head gesturing for Keith to come over to her.

Keith quietly and carefully made his way over to her and whispered "They're heading towards the castle, do you know if there's anyone supposed to be coming today?"

"No, there's not and that's what I'm worried about"

"We should be hidden Enough by the thick trees" Keith said

Few seconds later the horses passed by However because of the thick forest Mia and Keith were unable to see who is riding.

As their sound Fades into the distance Mia stands up "Let's just hope that's not something we're going to have to deal with when we come back"

As she says that a stick cracks behind them and she whips around grabbing her sword. Coraline throws up her hands

"Oh my God it's me!" Coraline yells

"Coraline where the hell have you been?! You've been gone for at least an hour now!" Keith asked sternly

"I was taking a breath of fresh air, you're suffocating sometimes brother"

Coraline said pushing past him then she leaned up against a tree and crossed her arms

"I don't think we're going to find anything just wandering through the forest, we need to make a proper plan. Who had the map? I have an idea"

"I do- Mia reached into her bag and pulled out a map, handing it to Coraline,
She opened it up and placed it on the ground, scanning it with her finger "There- She tapped a small figure on the map

"It's an old factory that got abandoned after a Siege a couple years ago"

"Why do you figure we should start looking?" Mia asked

"Because, I don't think whoever took her would have been able to get very far. However if she's not there there's a whole bunch more abandoned buildings we can look at around the area"
Coraline looked around at the group "My lord it's the best plan we have right now..."

Revoce Look up at the sky and took in a deep breath
"You're right, this is the best plan we have right now. We need to find her soon"

Coraline smiled and she bowed her head "All right everyone it's time to mount up, we need to find our Rose"

They set off again with Coraline leading the way. It only took about 30 minutes for them to reach the beginning of the old village, it had clearly been abandoned for several years, a couple buildings were even burned down.

"How did I never know this was here?" Mia asked as she hopped off her horse

"It's possible that you and Rose were away on business when this town fell apart, It's not super well known, so it just disappearing off the map wouldn't be surprising" Coraline said as she folded up the map

After finding a stable place to tie up the horses the group splits off to start searching for any sign that Rose could be there

"me and Keith will take the left side, you and Mia take the left side. Once we're done clearing that, we'll meet up back here and then we'll go search the church"

Coraline and her brother Keith went towards the left side of the village.

The Village had basically been split up perfectly down the center by a main road. Several little farm houses, inns, and different little shops filled up the area.

They decided to search the more stable buildings first, They open the door to an old Inn, the Door Creaked as if the hinges were threatening to fall off. There was a large fireplace in the center of the room, with several chairs and tables lining the walls, with several chairs were turned over and broken.

After venturing further into the inn they could see the remnants of an old bar, with a staircase to the right of the bar.

"Rock-paper-daggers for who has to go upstairs?" Keith asked while trying to Shield his face from dust

"No... I seriously doubt Rose is up there and I don't feel like falling through the ceiling"

Keith and Coraline moved on to the next building.

Mia and Revoce had a similar layout on their side however they had more farmhouses and long dead crops.

"It's sad to think that people had a life here and now it's completely gone" Mia said as they walk towards their first building

"What side is the I didn't even know this was here... Revoce looked at the old crops "Some Prince I am" They

walked up to the first stable Farmhouse, Are part of the roof had sunken in at some point And the door was missing.

In the first room the furniture was destroyed, remnants of it all over the ground. Revoce walked further ahead and into another room, This was a much smaller room with a little bed in the corner.

As he walked further into the room he heard a crunch under his foot, He looked down and they're under his shoe was a half burned doll, a part of the yarn hair still intact.

"This is awful..." He bent down and picked up the doll with part of it just disintegrating away.

"Hey, you okay?"

Revoce turned around and Mia was in the doorway looking at him concerned, Revoce just nodded his head silently dropping the doll.

"Come on we've got more houses to search"

After all stable buildings had been searched they all met up back at their horses. They gave their horses some water and some food before they all headed up to the old church.

The church was tall and made out of stone, most of the glass had shattered and Fallen away many years ago, however the metal frame still stood tall.
The doors were made out of thick wood and decorated beautifully.

Mia reached her hand out to pull the handle but Coraline stopped her, Mia turned her head to say something but Coraline hush her quickly, In a whisper she said

"There's blood all over the handle... and it's not that old" She turned her head to the other two

"Ready your weapons"

Mia pulled her sword out and grabbed the left handle while Coraline grabbed the right, they nodded to each other and pulled the doors open.

The church was long, and still beautiful even after the war and Fire. Then the echoing of laughter reach to them

"Took you long enough!"

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