Author Note!!!

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I'm sorry for not updating. Things have been really crazy lately. I've been going to college for Graphic Comminucations, but then I couldn't handle the teachers anymore, because they were late in grading everyone's assignments. And I was getting tired of using Picas, Points, and inches all the time. So I switched my majors. Now I am going for Early Childhood Development.

On December 21, 2011, My grandma lost her battle to cancer. (which is another reason to why I haven't updated)

In August my parents informed my little brother and I, that they were getting a divorce. I've been so stressed with that, I've been helping my mom out a lot. We went from living in a farm us to a two bedroom apartment. So it has been a huge change for us.

I promise, I will try to update as soon as I can.

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