Chapter 1 ~ The New World

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Oakley POV:

We have to get out of here...

Our world is being destroyed slowly but surely. Me and My older sister, Shrub, have decided to try and find what happened and what is causing this. Well, she wanted to go alone, but I forced her to let me go. Younger sister magic.

I walked up to my sisters room in the small farm house which was owned by our parents. 

"You ready to go Shrub?" I asked her as I leaned on her door. She looked over at me, "Yeah... just saying goodbye to this place, I don't know how long we will be gone."

She was right. We don't know how long we will be gone. Could be a few days, could be a few weeks, could be a few months maybe even a few years...

I walked to my room to get my bag. It had a few essentials like spare clothes, tooth brush, toothpaste, just everything needed to live. I recently found a purple portal. We decided that would be the first stop.

We went outside of the farm house to see the lava and red corruption overlapping the once beautiful landscape. Our world will be the same soon and I was going to make sure of it.

"Ready?" My sister breathed out. I nodded, "Ready." We stepped through the portal and then everything turned black.


I woke up. I was in a jungle? I didn't know how long I was out for. I looked around for my sister to see her lying just in front of me.

"Shrub? You okay?" I slowly got up and walked over to her, helping her up. "Yeah, I'm fine... What is this place?" She looked around at the landscape. I looked up to look around and saw a bright red and yellow temple. It looked gorgeous. 

"Maybe someone is in there that can help!" I yelled in excitement. I ran towards the temple with Shrub following close behind. We got to the temple and saw a young man commanding some common folk around a market place.

"Erm... excuse me sir..." I went over to him and he looked over at me annoyed, "I am Oakley and this is my older sister Shrub, we just got here and don't know the directions to anywhere. Could you help us?" His expression changed

"Ahhh! Guests! Of course I can help. Follow me." He turned on his heel and walked off. Me and Shrub looked at each other, shrugged and followed.

"Welcome to the Lost Empire. I am the ruler Emperor Joey Graceffa. What are you looking for?" He spoke to us like some sort of tour guide. "That's the thing. We don't know WHAT we are looking for. Unless you know where answers are stored?" I told him. "Well then, you should speak to the wizard Geminitay. She rules the empire Crystal Cliffs. I will get someone to escort you there. Stay here for a moment," He walked off in one direction.

"Oakley, do you think we can trust him?" Shrub asked me. "I think so... he is the emperor of this place. Besides, that Geminitay person might have some answers!" I replied. "I know but, what he said WIZARD. As in magic. What if she isn't a GOOD wizard and what is she doesn't have answers?" I mean, she had a point, however, this is our only choice. Before I could respond, Joey appeared with someone following behind.

"This is my guard. He will be taking you to the Crystal Cliffs," Joey told us. "Thank  you so much for your help Mr. Graceffa!" Shrub said. "Please, call me Joey," he smiled. "Okay, thank you Joey!" She repeated and we all walked off, following the guard.

(A/N: First chapter of new fanfic! Just a quick pre-warning, this will be based on the entire Empires series however not everything will be the exact same like this chapter, Joey was already there even though him and Shelby got there at the same time! If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote, comment and follow me for more updates!)

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