Chapter 8 ~ The mystery room and the letter

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Oakley POV:

I was going to make my room today. I flew over to the coordinates of Fwhips dungeon and looked at the space I had and chose which idea to do. I decided that it would be a room with item frames with a different food or ingredient with a lever underneath each one. To open the door, you have to flick the ingrdients that you use to make a cake. (If you don't understand watch Smallishbeans base invaders video called "My Best Invading YET" The first room that he made is what it is)

It was coloured in red and white to look like a cake. It took a while to build but it was worth it. The room looked amazing.

I was thinking about leaving a note for Jimmy giving him a hint of my room so then it is guaranteed that they can get to the end. 

I need to go to Gems to let her know that she can build the last room (This isn't the actual order it went but I cba to make it factual) so I flew over to her Empire to let her know. 

I looked around for her and saw her at her wizard academy finishing some of the structure.

"Hey Gem!" I said happily.

"Oakley! It's been so long! How can I help?" Gem cheered

"I was just coming over to tell you that I have finished my room in Fwhips dungeon and letting you know that you can start yours!" I informed her.

"Oh thanks! What room did you make?" Gem asked.

"Well it is item frames with a different food or ingredient with a lever underneath each one. To open the door, you have to flick the ingrdients that you use to make a cake. (Once again if it doesn't make sense watch Smallishbeans "My Best Invading YET!" base invaders video) What are you doing?" I said.

"Well, I'm doing two hardish questions about the world but since I am kind of allies with Jimmy so I'm gonna leave a note for him saying the answers to my questions but don't tell Fwhip!" Gem said.

"Oh! I was gonna do the same, could I put a hint in the one that your making?" I asked.

"Of course you can!" Gem agreed.

She went and got a book and a pen and we started writing.

The letter said:

For Jimmy-

Go East from Grimlands to retrieve stolen item

A tasty treat (Room 5)

2700/stone (Room 6)

This will cost you, be careful of what and who you take.

Take this with you on your journey.

We finished the letter and hid it in Gems Empire with some things about Xornoth before it so it didn't look as suspicious. It was a six page book with the letter on the last page. I then left.

(A/N: A bit of a short chapter but still. If you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote and comment!)

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