Chapter 10 ~ The corrupted lands

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Oakley POV:

It has been about two weeks since Xornoth took over. I'm still in the forest. I made a little den in between some trees so it felt some what homely. I have ran out of food so I decided to go out and look for some.

I flew in a direction I hadn't been before, but ended up flying over Rivendell, Scotts empire. I saw dark red tentacles sticking out of his land with crystals full of lava flying high above it. Was this what everyones looked like or just Scotts? I mean I knew him and Xornoth were brothers since we were told so it could just be towards him and how much Xornoth hates his brother.

I flew into the dark forest which was next door to his Empire. I found some sweet berries (pretend they are in dark oak biomes not Spruce) and picked up enough that I needed for a the next few weeks and flew back to my house, but first I wanted to check on Lizzies Empire to see how my best friend was doing. 

I saw a huge eye watching over the whole of her Empire. I saw her come out of her chest room and I think she spotted me.

She looked up at me and waved me down to her. I hesitated for a minute and then flew down towards her.

"Hi..." I mutter.

"Hey..." She replied.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"I've been better..." Lizzie said.

"Well what's up?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to ask. Why?"  She asked.

"Well, Xornoth promised me that he would give me answers on what happened to me and Shrubs world. I needed to know what the cause of the corruption in my world meant," I told her.

"Well you could've asked me, or Katherine or Gem or anyone for help. You came with Shrub so you could BOTH find out! You could've asked her!" She yelled.

"Well I lost patience! I missed my mom and dad and just wanted to get home!" I cried.

"Look I can see why you did it. But I can't forgive you until you are the Oakley that I met a few months ago again," She said.

"Ok that's fine," I agreed and then flew off back to my small nest in the woods.

I sat in the house and a note flew inside. 

Come to my Empire now.


I sighed at the letter knowing this would be my life until something different came along or somebody got rid of Xornoth but that might be along time from now.

 I flew over the Undergrove to get to Joeys. It was covered in the same red tentacles as Rivendell was and the same crystals that flew above it. Shrub was lying to rulers about the disappearance of their princess. Shrub couldn't bring herself to tell the truth to her people.

I continued over to Joeys and saw Sausage and Joey sitting inside but no Xornoth.

"What was I needed for?" I asked.

"Well, I had a plan. We wanted to take some people. People who have a strong hatred towards Xornoth and us. Xornys biggest threats. People who are most likely to attack and could win. Without them, the others dont have a chance at winning," Joey announced to the two of us.

"Yeah ok," I said but I didn't want to kidnap anyone. They were all my friends. Well before the dragon fight.

"Yeah that sounds good but who will it be?" Sausage asked.

"Well, the strongest people would probably be. Wizard Gem and Xornoths brother, Scott" Joey told us.

(A/N: Thats this chapter. I met do less updates cuz I start school in two days nd will be really busy with homework. If you liked this make sure to vote and comment for more updates!)

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