Pt 1

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Part 1
Pagi yang gak cerah cerah banget dan berjalan seperti keadaan biasa pada umumnya. A 45 aged woman walk trough the city jail. Looking for her son.
"Excuse me, im looking for my son-"
"Please come here ma'am"
The police officer looks like already know the woman a lot. And they lead her to her son's cage
"Bacot, Dasar wanita jalang!"
A 17 aged teenager boy shout at his mom
His mom said playfully
"I told you i didn't want to go home. There's a evil spirit in my body and i don't want to hurt anyone again! So go back home!"
He shout again, the police officer just look at him in scare.
"Hey jotaro, dont shout at your mom like that!"
2 man walk in trought the hall and stop in front of teenager's cage
"Jotaro, this is your grandfather joseph! He come to help you out"
The old man looking at his grandson.
"Who told you to come here, jiji? Go back"
Joseph just chuckled and calling his friend
"Jotaro, his name is Mohammed Avdol, he's my close friend and we meet when i was in egypt, he has the same spirit like you told us before"
Avdol approach the cage and look straight to jotaro while he gave him a cold look.
"Mr joestar, you want me to pulling out your grandson out of this cage right?"
Joseph nod
"Pardon me, but i think i will choose a harsh way and your grandson maybe will end up in the hospital"
"Just do whatever tou like avdol, even it will hurt my grandson. At least he get out of this damn cage"
Avdol nod and began to calling out his spirit
"*Magician's red!"
A fire surrounding the teenager boy in a high speed and tied him.
"Red blind!"
"Calm down holly, avdol will handle it. He's a professional"
Holly just watch and finally avdol can pull out jotaro out of his cage. He can see the big purple guy behind jotaro and he assume that it's his stand.
"Why dont you hurt me again?"
Jotaro ask
"Heh, Mr Joestar just told me to pull you out, not hurting you"
Jotaro looking at his grandpa
"Jotaro, the spirit that you call it evil, was called a stand! And i think your stand is powerfull enough"
Jotaro just silently walk away while the others watch him in confused.
"Yare guys told me to go home right? So lets go"
Next day
Pagi itu, jotaro berangkat sekolah seperti biasa.
"Jotaro, hati hati dijalan ya~"
Holly seperti biasa mengantarkan anak semata wayangnya ke depan pintu.
"Oh, tidak lupa, let me kiss you"
Holly menarik badan tinggi anaknya itu dan mencium pipi jotaro dengan lembut.
"Aish, stop it"
And jotaro walk out
Daaaan, seperti biasa para fangirl fangirl yang mengagumi jotaro berlebihan selalu mengganggunya tiap pagi
"Good morning jotaro!"
"Omg, jotaro look at me!"
Perempuan perempuan itu masih sibuk dengan pria yang membuat mereka tergila gila. Hingga mereka bertengkar akan siapa yang menjadi pacar jotaro hari itu juga
Cewek cewek itu (seperti lonteh) mendadak diam
"Aih~ okay"
"He definitly shout at me!"
"No! Me!"
Jotaro melanjutkan perjalanan menuju kelasnya, when suddenly he can feel his left foot hurt and he fall down.
"Ah! Jotaro!"
All the fangirl approach him in worry.
"Jotaro? You okay? Where did it hurt?"
"Omg you bleeding!"
Jotaro try to stand up when suddenly a boy in green gakuran lend him a handkerchief.
"You look hurt, here to stop the bleeding"
Jotaro look at the boy, he has red styled hair and a pair of cherry earings. The boy gave him a cold look.
"I've never seen you before, are you in our school?"
The boy help jotaro to stand up and clean his gakuran
"Kakyoin noriaki, i just transfered here yesterday"
After he introduced himself, he walk away.
Karena merasa pendarahan yang dialaminya tidak berhenti dan bertambah parah, jotaro berniat untuk pergi ke UKS.
"Ish ish ish, are you fight with another student again jotaro?"
He just stay silent while the nurse taking out her pen and scrible something at the paper.
"Tuh, jotaro pasti berantem lagi, emang gaada takut takutnya dia"
Said another student there
"Kalau luka sekecil itu jotaro boleh disini, berarti kami juga boleh disini sementara ya, kami lagi tidak enak badan"
Another student add while laugh
"Ish, kalian ini tidak sakit dan hanya ingin bolos satu mata pelajaran bukan? Aku tak menerima anak anak yang bolos diruanganku"
Ujar suster itu sembari menatap mereka kesal.
While the nurse have a conversation with another student, jotaro slowly pull out the handkerchief kakyoin guy gave him before. And it has a hidden message in it
"Kujo jotaro, i will kill you today" - noriaki -
Tentu saja jotaro kaget setelah membaca pesan itu. Dan mendengar teriakan histeris anak seangkatan nya yang tampaknya sedang diserang oleh suster itu tanpa alasan
Dan dengan pulpen yang suster itu bilang adalah termometer mencolok mata salah satu siswa
Suster itu berbalik badan menatap jotaro dengan tatapan kosong
"Kau pikir ini juga pulpen kah jotaro? Kau tidak bodoh seperti 2 anak itu bukan?"
Suster itu menyerang jotaro dengan pulpennya and jotaro easily held both of the nurse hand.
"H-hei, this is not a woman strenght!"
And suddenly he hear someone voice
"Heh, finally you realize it"
Kakyoin dengan santai hanya duduk di jendela memerhatikan jotaro yang masih menahan kedua tangan suster itu.
"Aku bisa mengendalikan suster itu dari sini, standku dapat mengontrol tubuh seseorang dengan mudah"
Jotaro memukul suster itu kebelakang
"Hei, bila kau melukai standku, maka kau juga akan melukai suster itu jotaro"
Ujar kakyoin lagi
He have an idea to pull out kakyoin stand out of the nurse body. While kissing her and bring out his stand. Finally stand jotaro berhasil mengeluarkan stand milik kakyoin dari tubuh suster itu.
"Ih, melon >:)"
"Kau sudah mengeluarkan standku dan membuatnya marah. Terima ini! Emerald splash!"
Awalnya jotaro memang tidak bisa menghindari serangan yang kakyoin berikan, namun setelah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan pada situasi genting seperti ini, he managed to defeat kakyoin easily.
Ruang UKS nyaris hancur berantakan, and jotaro lift up kakyoin limp body on his shoulder
"Maybe the old man known what happend to him, and told me about DIO guy"
Dan jotaro berakhir bolos sekolah lagi
Sesampainya dirumah
"Oh, jotaro must be thinking about me at class- wait jotaro! Who is he?!"
Holly yang sedang menjemur pakaian kaget melihat anaknya kembali membawa seseorang yang terluka
"Did you do something bad to him?"
"Its none of your business woman, get back to your work!"
Jotaro walk away while carrying kakyoin
"Btw, you look pale today, are you okay?"
Jotaro stop and talk to his mom
"I-im okay!"
"Where is jiji?"
"I think he's in the tea room with mr avdol"
"Hmm, mungkin dia tak akan bertahan lama dan akan mati sebentar lagi. Jotaro, ini bukan salahmu, tapi yang menyebabkanya adalah ini!"
Joseph mengangkat sedikit rambut kakyoin dan tampak ada sebuah makhluk menjijikan disana.
"This creature purely made by DIO's cell. So we can assume that he control him fully"
Joseph said
"But, i wont let him just die like that! Kakyoin will alive"
Jotaro call out his stand and gently hold kakyoin face's with his hands
"Jotaro! You cant just pull it out like that! If you do something wrong the effect can damaged his brain! Even the best surgeon doctor cant do that!"
Joseph warn his grandson
"Jiji, my stand is fast, he can stop the bullet tho, so i think he can pull out this ugly creature too"
Slowly, jotaro stand pull the creature and one oh the tentacle sneak in his skin, making a way to his brain
"Jotaro! stop-"
"Cut it avdol, i think he can do it"
Suddenly kakyoin eyes snapped open
"Relax, dont move our your life will be shorter than you thought"
Soon, the bud can be removed and jotaro stand throw it to joseph while he burn the creature with his hamon.
"I-wha- what happend..."
Kakyoin look at his new surrounding.
"Relax, we already save you from DIO"
Joseph told him
"You know about him? How? Can you tell us?"
Avdol asked him
"Oh, pardon me we didn't told you before, im joseph joestar, and he's my close friend Mohammed avdol, you can call him avdol instead"
Kakyoin nod and soon holly came with a band aid and some medicine.
Kakyoin tell the other when he meet Dio. Sementara holly hanya sibuk mengobati kepala kakyoin yang terluka.
"Jadi kemungkinan dia sudah pindah, dia tak mungkin kembali kesana lagi avdol"
Ujar joseph. Avdol nod
"We need to find him as soon as possible, holly, do you have a camera?"
Holly pergi keruangan lain dan membawa kamera pada ayahnya
Kamera tersebut hancur dan sebuah kertas keluar dari kamera tersebut.
"What did you see jiji?"
Joseph menggoyangkan sedikit gambarnya, yang terlihat hanyalah sebuah gunung dan hutan
"Gunung dan hutan? Kenapa DIO memilih tempat seperti itu?"
Avdol heran
"Entahlah, mungkin disana tak ada orang, dan DIO dapat membuat sarangnya sendiri disana. Udah tua jadi gawaras tu"
Tambah joseph lagi
"Well, looks like you need to stay for a night, kakyoin san"
Waktu menunjukan jam 6 sore, rupanya lama juga mereka berbincang bincang demi mencari makhluk jahannam ini.
"Is it okay Ms joestar?"
Kakyoin ask, he fell bad
"Ah, no no no, thats okay! Also,your head isnt fully recover right? So you need rest soon!"
Holly help him up and lead him to another room.
"We need to look for this information further"
Joseph assumed. Avdol and jotaro nod in agree.
"Btw, you guys need rest right? Jotaro, bring a futon for your grandpa and mr avdol"
"No, i dont want to sleep on the floor! Bring me a bed Holly"
"You must respect the culture papa!"
Holly said while jotaro get out of the room to prepare the futon for them.

1683 word. . . . .

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