Chapter 162: Guided By Delusion

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Within the mansion, Rou had confined himself to his room, and all the destruction within it. "The one time I try to open up and I blow it...", he thought, lying face down on the bed. "Oh Rou, you're still sad. Why don't you confide in me? I can make you feel better?", whispered the voice echoing around the room. "I need you, Kakei...", Rou muttered. A tear fell from the man's eye. "Why does this always happen to me?", he asked out loud.

The voice held onto him, illuminating the space around as the glowing realisation materialised, "It's the deep-rooted pain inside you, Rou. The source of that pain was clearly active many years ago, it's why you put up a front without constant distraction. You suffered greatly at the hands of others, but what made it even more painful is how they managed to forget it. However, as much as you try, you'll forever remember and be taunted by whatever is plaguing you.". Rou became immersed in the deep embrace of Kakei's ominous explanation.

Little did Rou know, Demitris was swiftly approaching his location, "He cares, he has to after rejecting that inhumane deal. He wants to hold me, not slit my throat. Caress me, not murder me. There has to be a reason!", he said to himself, the uplifting thoughts keeping him going. "I need to feel his heartbeat against mine, I can heal the pain inside him.", he continued.

All around him, the mansion felt bleak, as if the landscape was about to change for the worst in his home, but his own soul was the guiding light to the sparks of love he desired. "I'm flawed, but with Rou, I can control my emotions and so can he, that's why our love can become power, so our reverie can finally be heard and we can heal.

Swifty reaching his destination, he ran into a servant, "You seem in a hurry at this time of night.", they emphasised. "Well, I have someone important I need to see.", remarked Demitris. The servant sighed, "You better hurry then, because most of the capos and the underboss have gone missing, who knows who will disappear next.", they informed. "I better hurry then.", responded Demitris.

As his love approached without him knowing, Rou was still caught up in his own anguish. "The source of my pain? It's me, it's always me!", he said with much confidence. The voice didn't believe him, "But who made you as you are? Who decided to give you grief over thier own problems, making them your own?". Rou took time to think, then it hit him, "All those years was Lin. He was the source of my pain!", he declared.

Rou twitched as his hands grew colder, "So you want to rid yourself of your pain with your fighting spirit?", Kakei's voice deduced. "Yes. ", Rou replied blankly. "Do you really want to destroy your brother as he destroyed me?", Kakei asked, giving him a soft embrace as he did so. "The only thing Lin deserves is death, I'll gladly take his life.", Rou replied. The world around him became blurry as his pain intensified.

"Lin will pay for this!", he yelled with all his might before he stormed out the door. "He needs to repent for murdering the one I love!", he continued. As he sped up to a 'high speed', Rou's pain turned into coldness. Rou headed closer to darkness, a dull look in his eyes slowly grew into a scowl of pure hatred, ready to inflict upon his brother at the earliest opportunity. As the sun began to rise, Rou's anger bloomed past the point of no return.

No sooner had his love left, Demitris finally made it to Rou's room only to find it empty. "Rou, where are you? You're not hiding from me are you?", he called out. Looking around, he saw all the destruction Rou had left in his wake. "He can't have, could he?", thought Demitris. The sudden onset of the frosty air hit his arms, "This is far more than just a breakdown, this is all of his anger and frustration all arising at once! I have to get to him before it's too late!", he thought. "I'm coming Rou!", he announced.

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