Lok - Bolin and Huan bf headcannons

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requested by anonymous on tumblr- "Do you do lok request? What about bf headcannons of how bolin tahno and huan in. Relationship"


He would definitely bend sculptures of you or anything you want or even make something out of lava.He seem to be supper into PDA.
-Anywhere he is with you he feels like he is on top of the worldBolin is an outdoorsy type of guy but if you like being indoors he doesn't mind he loves spending any time with you that he can
-Expect. The. Unexpected
-If your ever feeling sad he will always be there fore you to vent to him or just sit in silence
-Puppy love is a good way to describe the both of you. Joined at the hip
-Mako is constantly annoyed by Bolin always talking about how much he loves you that he usually would rather spend time with the prince
-All around he is a loving guy with a big heart


-He sees you as his masterpieceIf you have any way of life that are different from his don't worry cause he doesn't judge
-If you have any insecurities then this is the man that will help. -Would you say you are art and his his eyes there is nothing to take away or add because your insecurities are what make you, you.
-If you are a energetic person he will tolerate you taking him where ever you wanna go
-His mother loves you and is glad that her son could find someone who makes him happy
-If you love art you two would be painting with each otheror better yet if your a earth bender you two would sculpt each other's faces and keep them
-He loves you for you so be yourself

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