And so the earth begins anew

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Dark eyes tiredly opened as Rex found himself in an unfamiliar place. 

"Where am I?" The young man whispered. Is this heaven? No. Heaven was not a place for him. 

"Crozzo, come here!" That voice? Why was it familiar-

Reacting in instincts, the young man raised his hands and caught an object sent on his way. Dark orbs scanned the surroundings calmly despite the blurred colors. The bomb must have been stronger than.


Rex looked at the object in his hand. Red... with red liquid. Blood. Sanguine blood flowing from a heart. 

He could feel it. The hellish simulation to experience a small fraction of the first executioner. Rip and tear.

Rip and tear.

Rip and Tear


Dark eyes bled gold as dark hair blossomed blue. Muscle fibers tensed as a subtle glow of a symbol formed on his right eye. Honkai must die.







The changes stopped, and all went back to normal. Wait, a forest...

"CROZZO!" Came the familiar scream of the deceased Major Himeko. Impossible!

"Major..." Rex whispered as he looked at his mentor and elder sister-figure. She was alive... no. This must be a trick!

"Get back in line. The assignment is about to start." Having no choice, the young man went to the designated area. There were a lot of girls.

St. Freya academy is a school system popular all around the world. It produces warriors capable of fighting with the Honkai. Infiltrated by many and led by a man named Otto Apocalypse.

'The serpent shall rise.' Rex thought as he looked at his hands. The burns were no longer there, yet the contract was burned in his mind. 

Humanity shall defeat the Honkai. 

"Operation start!" 

Before he could react, the young man felt himself get pushed away. This incident! 

Turning to the side, Rex's eyes widened at the glare from the bushes. 

'Sniper!' He thought as he tried to move. 'Damn it! My body!" He saw it. The trigger was pulled. The bullet flew faster before the sound. Dark eyes widened as he saw the rubber slug soar through the air and get closer until it was only a few centimeters away from him. 

'My eye!' Dark eyes narrowed rapidly at the approaching missile. The bullet's impact and his falling form launched him through the hair and skipped off the ground several times. The blow was strong enough to smash him through a wall. 

"Crozzo!" Himeko called out. Every girl in the area was shocked. None more than the girls that pushed and shot him. 

"M-malty..." One of the girls whispered as she pointed at Rex's pinned form. His dark hair covered shadowed his face. Blood splatters on the wall behind him made it seem like he had a pair of wings and a halo, yet what was the thing that caught their attention was the stream of red flowing from the right side of his face. 

"Simulation is over!" Himeko shouted through the comms. "Send an emergency medical team here ASAP." Looking at the only male's injured form, she knew his eye was gone and he would likely have received a mortal wound from the shot. 

"Malty, Seryu, Sakura! You three are in!" 


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