☁︎ roller skate date !- ☁︎

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Benjamin's / Soft BFs POV

Normally, me and Pico go on dates at food places or parks of some sort, but not today. We decided we wanted to do something more fun. Only problem is, he got to choose. Now- don't get me wrong, it's not like he's bad at picking places, it's just he choose a very.. Populated place. It was a skating rink, at a place called 'Skater World'. As soon as we walked inside, children and adults alike were skating around everywhere, and I was immediately overwhelmed by all of them. He held my hand extra tight and gave me a light smile.

He then looked up from me, looking at everything around him in awe. "I haven't been here since I was young, so much looks the same but different!" He said in an enthusiastic way. I was still shaken to my core because of all the people around us. "Pico.. Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked. "Awww it's ok Baby Blue, here, I'll help you whenever you need" He replied, kissing my forehead. I sighed as I struggled to get on my roller-skates, fiddling around with the laces until I figured it was tight enough.

He got up, and lended me his hand. I grabbed ahold of it, and immediately started slipping. My legs were shaking really hard, I was petrified. He then pulled harder getting me on my feet. "Don't let go of my hand ok? We'll take this step-by-step, just for you." He assured, giving me his most comforting smile he could. I clutched onto his arm like a piece of sticky gum to the bottom of a restaurant table, unable to let go.

Pico's POV

I looked down at my boyfriend, who was clinging onto me like his life depended on it. He looked terrified, almost wanting to give up already. I could tell he hasn't done this in a very long time, possibly even ever. I was about to go onto the rink before I heard him say "W-wait, I'm not ready to go into the rink yet!" "I.. I still just wanna practice on the carpet." He stated, puffing up his cheeks while burring his face into my shoulder. "Sure, whatever you want Softie." I said, trying to comfort him.

We then proceeded to just slowly skate around the rink on the carpet. A few people gave us questioning looks, but I side eyed them, giving them a signal to fuck off. Eventually, he developed a feel for it, slowly but surely getting more and more faster. "Do you wanna let go of my arm yet?" I asked. "No, not yet. But can we-" He cut himself off, letting of my arm for about 2 seconds before interlocking both of our arms together, just like how bestfriends would. He slowly gained more and more confidence, and I was super proud of him too, considering the people.

"You're doing amazing Babe, good job!" I encouraged. He looked back at me, smiling really softly. God he's adorable. "I think I'm ready." He said, in full confidence. "Do you want a walker thingy to help keep your balance?" I offered. "No, I'm no scaredy cat!" He responded. "Ok, do you still want my help?" I offered again. "Hmm.. Ok, that I do want." He said in a joking manner. I chucked, "Mk, hold on." I said, reaching out my hand. He gladly took it, and we inched forward to the rink. Adults and children were going around and around.

Some of the children were using the walker thingy, and others seemed to be like professionals. I know how to skate, it's something that I used to do a lot as a small child. Sure, it's been a few years since I've last, but I still know how to. I took a look at everyone, making sure it was safe to get on. I got on, and he did too, but as soon as we did, all of his confidence drained just as quickly as it raised.

Benjamin's / Soft BFs POV

Y'know.. Maybe I wasn't as good as I thought I was 2 seconds ago.. I started slipping. stumbling and then *crash*, down I fell. "You ok?" Pico asked, looking at me with worried eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. A little help though?" I asked, reaching out my hand. He took it, and pulled me up back on my feet. I grabbed onto the side, my legs trembling. Slowly, I got the courage to move again. "Woah there, take it easy." Pico said, making sure I won't hurt myself. "Here, let's just take it easy together." He offered. "Yes please" I said jokingly, but still seriously.

He dragged me along the rink, holding my hand while I slowly got a feel for it. "No no no Ben, you glide, not step. See? Like this." He demonstrates, slowly gliding against the cold hard floor. I giggled a little "Pfft, you make it look easy" I joked. He chuckled a little, then watched me try it. "Ben, you're trying to glide forward. To move forward you glide left and right." He said, trying his best to explain and demonstrate next to me.

After about 30 minutes of me struggling, I finally got it down to a science to where I don't have to grip on to the edge as much anymore. "There! See? I knew you could do it!" Pico said, smiling widely. I could see his lost tooth gap, his freckles, everything. It made me a little flustered and so I looked off to the side for a moment. I got back to skating slowly, eventually being able to go somewhat off the side rails. He then grabbed my other hand, and skated backwards, looking straight (gay- HAH) at me.

"Having fun?" He asked, still skating backwards holding both of my hands. "Yeah, I'm actually getting the hang of this!" I stated happily, not wanting to let go of his gaze. "Wanna try something?" He asks, somehow full of confidence. I hesitated before responding. "S-sure?" Suddenly, he held me close to him while we were turning a corner. He then looked down at me in his chest. "You're just gonna have to trust me, ok?". I nodded.

3rd Person POV

Before Benjamin could process what Pico was gonna do, Pico spun him around. Benjamin was a little stunned at first that he was able to pull it off so well, but he didn't wanna stop. Pico then brought them back into the same position they were in, hand to hand, gaze to gaze. Both were looking at each other with extreme love and passion. "Fun?" Pico asked. "Fun? It was awesome! I wanna do it again!" Benjamin answered energetically. "Whatever you want Babe" Pico answered jokingly.

They then did more tricks together, whole still going in circles in the rink. They weren't think of anyone else that was in the rink at that time. They were so hyper focused on each other and the dancing they were doing. After a few more, Benjamin was weared out. "Babe, may we please stop now? I'm a little tuckered out." Ben asked. "Of course, here- let's go to the entrance of the rink." Pico said, holding his hand and skating him to the entrance.

"Here, put on your shoes and put them on the counter over there. I'm gonna go around for just a few more times, mk?" Pico asked. "Oki doki, have fun." Ben said, quickly hugging him and then sitting down to change his shoes. Once he did, he returned them to the counter, and waited for Pico to finish his last lap. Pico got off the rink, changed his shoes, returned them, and they were off.

"So, did you enjoy yourself?" Pico asked. "I.. actually enjoyed myself a lot more then I though I would." Ben nervously giggled out. "So, should I plan where we go more often?" Pico jokingly asked. "Hmm, I'll think about it." Ben joked back. "Wanna go get food at some restaurant around and call it a night?" Pico asked. "Sounds like a plan.." Ben said, his voice full of tiredness, and love.


A/N: Hope I didn't do too bad for my first chapter :D I did my best, but if you ever have any sort of constructive criticism to suggest to me, I would be most grateful. Have a wonderful day/night! ^^

Word count: 1404

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