☁︎ .* 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 <3 ☁︎

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3rd person POV

Benji came home from school, tired and exhausted. 8th grade really is hitting him hard with responsibilities now that he's hit puberty and, well, he's older. He sighs, hanging up his backpack, taking off his shoes, and flopping himself on his bed. He just wanted to be absorbed in the sheets, like as if he wasn't there. He lied there for awhile, just staring at the ceiling. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked the time, about 3:44pm. After a few more minutes, he gets the motivation to get up. He grabs his sketchbook, pencils, and pens, heading towards the front door.

Ben has this little place he calls home more than anything, his treehouse. His own personal space with his own personal belongings up way high where no one can bother him. Where he can spend hours drawing and relaxing to the sound of the wind rushing through the leaves in the evening or the birds singing in the morning or the rain pouring at night. He loves it, he loved the outdoor sounds, sights and smells. But the best part of his treehouse, is that it's his safespace to meet up with Pico. Everyday, 4pm, Pico comes there to visit him until nightfall.

So until Pico comes by, he draws or watches videos, or does homework to pass time. Oh, who's Pico? His best friend, of course. Well, his best friend that he's liked for years now. Ben has always had a little crush on him, but he'd always been so scared to tell him because he didn't wanna ruin their friendship. Ben was drawing him more and more recently though, like as if he's all that's on his mind at all times. Speaking of which, that's what he's drawing right now, Pico. He always makes the excuse to himself of "It's just for anatomy practice, nothing more," but he knows he's lying to himself.

About halfway through his drawing, he hears a knock on the wooden door entrance of the treehouse. Ben opened the door to see Pico standing infront of him. Their hight differences never changed it felt like throughout puberty, Pico always managed to be taller somehow. "Hey Softie." Pico greeted, having his arms out to position a hug. "Hi Toughie.." Ben says, accepting the hug and melting into his arms. They stayed like this for a while, just hugging. Eventually, Ben let's go, and invites him in.

Pico sat down on the bed that Ben had in his treehouse. It was notably smaller than the one in his room inside the house, but he preferred sleeping in here nonetheless, thus why his parents ultimately decided to put a bed in there too. "How have you been?" Pico asked. "Stressed. I have a million and a half assignments due by next Tuesday and I have exactly 0.0001% of it done." Ben complains, exaggerating. Pico chuckled, admiring the drawings hanging up on the walls. "And, I have a choir concert coming up soon." Ben continued, flopping onto his bed next to Pico.

Pico POV

Concert, huh? "I wish I could go." I said, looking at all the different drawings and artstyles and colors. "I do too, it would calm my nerves alot, or make them worse, I don't know actually." Ben says, laughing slightly near the end. But, my attention was drawn to a specific painting instead of his voice. I pointed to the painting, "Is that new?" I asked. "Ah, yes, it is. I just did it last night after you left. I passed out almost immediately afterwards I think. I hung it up though this morning. Do you like it?" Ben asks, looking up me. "Yeah, its really cool, I love the colors." I compliment, looking down at him.

"Thank you.." Ben says, averting his gaze. Was he.. blushing? Damn, cute.. wait- no! We're friends, Pico, he can't know you like him idiot. But, maybe he's blushing because he likes me back.. no, he's probably just embarrassed. "You ok?" Ben asks, giving me worried eyes. "Ah, yeah, sorry I just zoned out there for a second.." I said, unsure of my own words. "..Is something on your mind? You can tell me about it, you know." Ben says, trying to give his best reassuring look. What do I do? I can't just tell him I love him, I'd throw our whole friendship away. "I'm fine, don't worry." I said, trying to ease his worries. But I think I made them worse.

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