☁︎ bad luck benny !- ☁︎

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This is Benji when he was 10. He used to get hurt alot and carried bandages with him everywhere. Because of this, Grace would call him "bad luck Benny." (Non Canon, something I came up with while playing genshin (if yk, yk)

"C'mon Benji, hurry hurry!!" Grace shouted, dragging him by his arm.

"Slow down, the parks not goin anywhere." Ben said, doing his best to keep up on the rugged little cement path.

"But the time is, hurry up!" Grace yelled with one harsh pull.

With that, Benjamin lost his balance and fell right over, hurting his hand and knee in the process. Ripping the first few layers of flesh on both, enough to make them bleed and hurt.

Ben sighed, reaching into his bag to pull out a small container of bandages.

"Sorry.. Here let me put them on for you!" Grace said, kneeling down. She took the bandages from his hand and applied them slowly to the bleeding wounds.

They weren't that bad, so Ben would be fine, but they still hurt quite a bit.

They walked the rest of the way there, Grace helping him with his limping every now and then.

When Grace and Ben arrived, Grace immediately wanted to go off and do her own thing.

"It would be better if you took it slow, because of the fall and all." Grace pointed out, feeling the band-aid on his hand.

"Yeah, yeah. You go have fun, don't worry about me!" Ben said in a fake cheery tone.

Truth is, Ben hates being left alone by the ones he cares about. But he genuinely wanted Grace to have fun, so he'll put his feelings aside for her.

So with that, he sat down on one of the park benches, and watched Grace have fun with other kids there. Her and the other kids giggling, laughing, it made him jealous.

He doesn't care for human interaction, but he does care for having fun. He does care for doing things that bring him joy, especially swinging. He loves swinging

Wing blowing through is soft hair as he goes higher and higher, relaxing and thinking about things while melting away in the air. He loves it.

He quickly grew bored, and while he knew he should rest his hand and knee, he was too bored for that. He hopped off the bench and made his way over to the field area of the playground.

He just wanted to lay down on the fresh spring grass. After all, it's getting warmer out and it's perfectly green outside. He ran out the middle of the field, found the perfect spot, and collapsed on the grass.

For the next few minutes, he just laid there. Calmly breathing, taking in the sun, sounds, and smells. He enjoyed days like these, not too hot but mildly warm. Not overwhelming but not underwhelming either. It's. Perfect.

It stayed like this for a little while, until he heard something approaching. Or, someone. "Hey loser, got hurt again because of your bad luck?" A familiar voice teased, kicking him on his side to make his eyes shoot open in pain.

"Go away Ethan, I'm not in the mood." Ben warned, sitting up and giving him an annoyed look.

The brown haired boy smirked down at him. "How about no?"  The kid kicked down at him again, making Ben fumble back to the ground.

"HEY KNOCK IT OFF ETHAN!" They both heard from afar. "Oh look it's your little girlfriend." Ethan said in a mocking-ish tone.

"She's not my girlfriend" Ben said unamused. Grace finally got to them and stood infont of Ben in a protective manner.

"Leave him alone!" Grace shouted. "It's fine, G.." Ben whispered to her in a sweet tone, truly appreciating how much she cared for him.

"It's not, I won't stand watching you get hurt by some bully!" She pouted, crossing her arms.

"You two don't scare me, I'll do whatever I'd like, whenever I'd like, you get?" Ethan said, stepping forward to Grace in an intimidating manner,

"You don't scare us neither, now get lost!" Grace warned, flicking his forehead. He took a step back before stepping in to throw a punch.

Ben quickly got infront and took the hit, only causing him to stumble back a little. He pretended it didn't hurt, but truth was, it was a pretty good punch.

Grace on the other hand was a little frightened. "Benjamin, be careful!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

Ben has this thing where he puts on a tough act infront of bullies like Ethan. Grace knew that this was getting to him.

"Just go away." Ben demanded, not paying attention to Grace. "Fine, I have no use wasting my time on two dumb little idiots anyways." Ethan said, taking his leave.

"Are you ok? He didn't hit you too hard right?" Grace asked, checking his cheek where he was punched. A small purple bruise and swelling had begun to form.

"I'll be just fine, don't worry about me!" Benji said, covering his cheek with his left hand while waving the other.

"You she really be more careful, and we should go get an ice pack. Your parents have some I'm pretty sure, so lets just head back." Grace sighed, taking his hand.

Ben decided not to protest and just get the ice pack over with.

After about 5 minutes of walking, clouds had flooded the skies and the first few drops of rain had begun to fall from the sea of clouds.

"Huh, didn't think it was going to rain today." Benjamin said, putting his hand out to feel the water.

Grace let go of his hand to feel the rain too, playing and messing around. "Me neither, wasnt on the weather forecast." She replied.

However while they both weren't paying attention, Ben slipped and fell on the pavement.


"Ow.." Ben whined, getting up slowly. His back hurt quite a bit, but again he should be fine.

"Sorry! I shouldn't have let go of your hand." She apologized, taking his hand again and helping him up.

Benjamin stared at her for a few second, and then just laughed. Eventually Grace started laughing too, and they continued giggling to themselves all the way home.


It's a little lazy, but I'm not revising shit 💕

Word Count : 1062

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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