☁︎ childish nightmares .* ☁︎

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Soft Pico POV

I've never been good with kids, so everytime me and Softie go over to babysit Skid and Pump, I'm always amazed at how great he is with them. Ben sometimes has trouble keeping up with people, and yet whenever he's around them he seems so much more energetic and happy. He loves to draw with them and color in coloring books with them while playing funny songs and watching Vines. Teaching them to read, write, and draw. It's so fun and cute to watch. Well, today's a Sunday so me and Ben were on our way to their house to meet up. He held my hand, a bright smile on his face. We already called Ms. Lila, and she's already on her way to work so we were kinda rushing to get there.

Once we got there, Skid and Pump immediately came rushing to the door and hugged us. "Awww hey little dudes, I missed ya!" Ben says, patting them. "We missed you too!" They said in sync, still hugging him. I smiled warmly at the adorable sight, I love seeing the three of them happy like this. "So," B started, pulling out his tablet from his bag he brought. "Who wants to play?" He asked. "Ooh! Me me me!" Both the spooky kids shouted. Ben turned the tablet on, "what game?" He asked. "The drawing one!" Skid exclaimed happily. Ben opened the app and handed the kids the tablet as they started drawing. He then sighed a little and collapsed on the couch. "You ok babe? You seem alot more tired than usual." I asked in a worried tone. "Don't worry, I just didn't get much sleep last night is all. I'm fine, really." He tried to assure me, but to be honest, it kinda just worried me more. Why wasn't he getting enough sleep? Is there something on his mind that's been bugging him, and if so, why hasn't he come talk to me about it? Does be not trust me? A billion questions all came to my head at once.

Then, a voice snapped me out of my trance. "Mr. Toughie, are you ok? You look reeeaally sad." Pump said, trying to check up on me. I smiled lightly, "no need to worry kiddo, I'm just fine." I said patting his head. "Hmm, ok! You wanna draw something with me and Skid?" Pump offers. "Aww no thank you but thank you, you should focus more on having fun with him, he's your best buddy after all." I said, giving a pretty solid reason that isn't just 'I don't want to.' "Ok, well then bye!" He said cheerfully skipping away. "You're overthinking about what I said, huh?" B said next to me. Oh shit I forgot he was here for a sec. "How did you know?" I asked. "Just a hunch." Ben lies, almost giggling as he said it. He knows why. "I'm fine, really. I have enough energy to get through today plus I have you. We have eachother, don't worry about a thing." Softie says, scooting closer and cuddling next to me.

This relieved me quite a bit. I kissed his forehead and held him close, "I love you.." I said stroking his cheek with my thumb. "Mm.. I love you more.." He says sleepily. Then, a loud ring came from my phone, startling Benjamin with a 'beep.' I chuckled lightly and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi, yes, this is Mrs. Lila, I'm not gonna be back until tomorrow because of a thunderstormvthats about to hit. The rains gonna be bad and I can't drive through weather like that. Is it ok of you watch them until then?" She asked. Thunderstorm huh? "Nope, not a problem." "OK thank you so much, I'll be sure to double your guys' payment." She said relieved sounding. "Mk, see ya tomorrow then." I said. "See you!" She said back, and then hung up. After a few moments of silence Ben spoke up. "Who was that?" He asked, a little scared seeming. "Mrs. Lila, she's not gonna be back until tomorrow due to a bad storm." I explained. "Oh.. should we tell the kids?" He asked, not wanting to alarm them obviously. "Yeah, I think so." I said, scratching the back of my neck. "*sigh* fine, I'll do it." Ben said, getting up.

Skid POV

Me and Pump were drawing monsters on Ben's tablet. Friendly ones! Ones that loved everything and everyone of course! Then I heard Mr. Softie from behind me. "Kiddos, me and Toughie are going to take care of you until tomorrow, ok? Mrs. Lila isn't going to be home until tomorrow." He said. Mom's not gonna be home until tomorrow? We finally get more time with Mr. Softie?! "Ok!" Me and Pump said.

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