☁︎☔︎ little troublemakers!- ☔︎☁︎

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Just a small little (get it get it bc they're little in this eheheheh? 👹) oneshot of grace and benji being mischievous best friends lol. To clarify, they're about 6 in this. Ok, on with the chapter lmao. >:D

Little Soft GF's/Grace's POV

Woo-hoo! It's the weekend! Finally, I get to see Benji! I've been looking forward to seeing him for a little while now, but today is super exciting because we're going to a park together! "Darling, are you ready?" My mom asks me, having her purse in one hand and her car keys in the other. "Yep yep!" I energetically said, opening the door for her. We made our way into the car and I sat in my booster seat in the back, fiddling around with my fingers. To be honest, I sometimes get a little shy around him, but at the same time I'm so excited! It was about a 15 minute drive before I pulled up to his driveway. His house never fails to impress me, it's huge!

I look through the car window to see Benjamin and his parents talking with my mom. I quickly got out and ran up to him, hugging him. "Haha, Benji, I'm so happy to see you!" I said hugging him tightly. He flinched before giggling a little. "It's nice to see you too.." He said quietly. "C'mon Grace, we're going." My mom said, grabbing my hand. Ben followed behind us, not saying much. We got into the car and Benji hopped into the seat next to me. He seemed.. A lot more quiet than usual. I don't wanna ask in front of my mom, I'm smarter than that by now. I'll ask once we go to my room.

It didn't take long to arrive to my house, and I jumped out excitedly, racing to the other side of the car to open the door for Benji. I nudged him to get out, and he did a second later. This isn't the first time he's been to my house, of course, but he still has trouble memorizing the place sometimes. "C'mon, let's go to my room!" I said, pulling his arm. "Ah- ok ok, I'm coming.." He said, laughing a little. We got to my room and I quickly shut the door. "So.. your birthday's soon," I started. "Why don't we play pranks on everyone? Y'know, because your birthday's on April Fools Day?" I suggested. Maybe this will get his mind off of the thing that's bothering him. Believe it or not, Benji, despite how shy he is, loves playing pranks. "But.. it's not my birthday yet.." Benji says in a worried tone. "It's only the 26th of March.." He continued.

"Ohhhh, don't worry about it, I'll even take the blame for you if if bothers you that much." I said, trying to reassure him. "Hmmm...." He hummed, pondering. "Fine, I'm in." He said sternly, shooting me a determined glance. "Awesome!" I cheered. "But, what one should we do??" He asked, looking rather concerned again. "Hmmm, oh! How about the invisible wall thing with plastic wrap??" I suggested. "Not a bad idea, but it's also kinda obvious." He replied, hand still resting on his cheek thinking. "Awww c'mon, it's the only harmless one I can think of!" I begged jokingly. "Well, ok. But we need to find out when it's best to do so. We can't just start it now, your mom is still well active." He said matter-of-factly. He seemed rather proud of his planning skills and it was always so cute to watch him puff out his chest in pride when he says something smart. "She's going grocery shopping later, so we can do it then, ok?" I asked, pretty sure of myself. "Ok." He replied, showing me his pinky for our little pinky promise system. "Pinky promise?" He asked. "Pinky promise." I said, interlocking our pinkies.

Time skip

Little Soft BF's / Benjamin's POV

I heard her mother yell down to us. "KIDS, IM GONNA GO TO THE STORE. STAY HERE, IM TURNING ON THE ALARM. IF YOU LEAVE, I WILL KNOW!" "OK BYE MOMMMM!" Grace yelled back. I then heard the door slam, me and Grace looked at eachother. "Initiation invisible wall, commence." I said, grabbing the plastic wrap. "Where do we put it? The front door?" Grace asked, getting the tape just incase. "Bathroom, that'll probably be the first place she'll need to go once she gets home." I said, pulling the plastic wrap. "Oki doki!" Grace said, taping the plastic wrap to the bathroom door.

About 30 minutes later, and our masterpiece of dread was born. I was quite pleased with it surprisingly. Grace seemed just as happy with it, giggling to herself bubbly. "Mom'll be home in about 40 minutes I'd think, so wanna watch TV until then?" She asked me. "Yeah, sure." I said, making my way over to the couch. "What do you wanna watch?" Grace asked grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. "Pokémon?" I asked. "Definitely." She replied, turning it on to Cartoon Network. We knew that Pokémon was on around this time. Time flew by, and before I knew it, I heard her mom drive into the driveway. A few minutes later, she came in, her arms full with groceries. "Kids, I'm home." She semi-yells, putting the stuff down. "Can you help me pit this away? I'm going to use the bathroom real quick." Her mom asks, rather frantic. "Ok!" Grace says, trying to not act suspicious.

She rushed off to the bathroom. I counted down in my head. 3.. 2.. 1. I heard her mother crash into the plastic wrap and fall onto the floor with a loud bang. Me and Grace looked at eachother, holding in our laughs. "KIIIIIIIDSSS!!!" Her mom yells in an infuriating tone. It was silent for a minute-- but only for a minute. Next thing I knew her mom stormed up to us, a twisted look on her face. "What. Did. You. Two. Rascals. Do?" She asks, trying her best not to scream at us. Me and Grace exchanged some 'oh boy, we're in for it now huh?' looks before Grace spoke up. "It was my idea.. I thought if would be harmless.." Grace says in a fake apologetic tone. I know her, and I know that she isn't actually guilty and still finds it funny. I do too, trying my best not burst from the seems of laughter.

"That's it, he's going home." Her mom says, taking my hand. I don't like being touched by people I don't like or trust, so I tried to get away from her grasp. "Wait-- mom don't hurt him!" Grace says, now panicked. "He's going home! I've had it with the two of you being little sickening children. He isn't going to be allowed here for an entire year, ya understand!?" Her mom says, pretty much losing all constraint she once had. Her moms scary, almost as scary as my mom, but I couldn't say anything. I was too scared to. Grace started sniffing and tearing up. Now she regretted it, I can tell. I don't like yelling, or any loud noises for that matter, but for some reason, I just can't cry right now. But I do wanna comfort Grace. "Hey- let me go..!-" I lightly yelled before being interrupted. "And you!" She started. "I'm going to tell your parents about this, ya hear?!" I felt my heart sink, my words stuck in my throat and my brain foggy.

Now I was scared. Her mom doesn't scare me, but knowing my dad... he might.. I don't wanna think about it, not right now. "Now c'mon, let's go!" She yelled in my face. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. My main focus was Grace's cries. "C-can I still come with you guys, please?" Grace begged, wanting to go in the car with us. "NO!! YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" Her mom snapped. Before I could even say goodbye, Grace ran off in tears. "Come. On. We're leaving." She tugged at my arm pulling me out side and to the car.

The car ride home was silent. Not a single word was exchanged. I didn't wanna talk anyways, I was more concerned about my parents anyways. We pulled into my driveway, and I hopped out, running to thr front door. I opened it faster than I could think about my next actions. "Son? Why are you home so soon?" My mom asks. I wanted to explain, but before I could Grace's mom spoke from behind me. "I'll explain." She said, walking over to my mother. I didn't want to stay here... I dashed to my room and flopped onto my bed. I screamed into the pillow, muffling the sounds. A few seconds later, I heard my dad yell in an angered tone "BENJAMINNN!!"

Uh oh....


A/N: soooo I wanted to make this fluff but then I was randomly like "no wtf" so fluffy pain? Idk but I hoped you enjoyed regardless lol.

Word Count: 1518

.* Soft Mod Oneshots !-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin