☁︎ burger boys day out ^^; ☁︎

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B3's POV

"Hey Neo!" I said in excitement as I met up with him. "Sup B3, how have you been?" He asked me. "Good, you?" I asked. "I'm doing ok. So, who's picking up Soft?" He asked, clearly impatient. "That hungry huh?" I asked teasingly. "Oh shush you." He joked back. "I'll get him while you find a burger place to eat, ok?" I checked. "Mhm, sure, see you and Soft soon." He said, running off.

I knocked on Ben's door. *knock, knock knock knock, knock.* A second later, he opened the door with a euphoric look on his face. "Hey Soft." I said, giving the body gesture for a hug. "Hey B3!" He said, hugging me. "How have you been?" He beamed. "I've been doing good, how about you?" I asked. "That's good to hear, and I'm doing ok" He smiled softly. "Ah, hold on a sec though real quick." He quickly said, turning the other direction into his house. "Picoooooo, I'm leaving ok?" He semi-yelled.

A second later, Pico came to the door and hugged him. "Mk, have fun Baby Blue." Pico said. "Oh, and B3," he started. "Keep him out of trouble." He finished. "No worries, no worries, I won't put him in harms way." I assured him. Pico gave me a 'yeah, right' look and kissed Ben on the forehead before leaving. "He's so protective.." I sighed out. Soft giggled a little. "He has his reasons, y'know. I just think he doesn't trust you yet." He replied. I chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so."


Neo's POV

I already chose a place, I'm already almost there, and yet B3 and Soft still haven't caught up to me. I guess I should wait though, huh? I stop and sit down at a park bench, enjoying the sights and smells around me in the meantime. Surprisingly enough, it's a beautiful evening today. I didn't get to look around for too long though, because the next thing I know I heard a "HEYYYYYY!" in the distance. B3 was running up to me, while Soft kept his distance behind. He stopped next to me, bent over and hands on his knees catching his breath. "Did I make it?" He puffed out, still wheezing. "Just barely" I joked. "Ello Neo!" Soft greeted happily as he approached me. "Hey Softie." I said, hugging him.

"Broooooo so you'll never guess what happened this week" B3 started, walking backwards infront of me and Soft while using weird hand motions. Oh brother, here he goes again... Rambling on about the most random of things. Me and Soft exchanged looks to one another. Mine read of 'really?' while his read of 'just let him have fun.' "And then guess what happened next" B3 interrupted our looks with his energetic tone of voice. We stared at eachother awkwardly a few seconds until his smile was wiped of his face. It was extremely satisfying. "You weren't listening, were you?" He blankly asked. "Nope, not one bit" I say truthfully.

Soft BF's/Benjamin's POV

I laughed a little on the inside once Neo said that, poor B3 lol. Once we got to the restaurant, we sat down at a corner booth, waiting for service. "Sooooo any ideas on what to order?" B3 asked me and Neo. "Nope, never been here before." Neo stated, and I nodded in agreement, implying that I haven't either. Then, a second later, a waitress comes up to our table. "Hello, may I take your order?" She asks. For now, all we have to worry about is drinks. "I'll have a lemonade please" B3 blurts out before me or Neo could say anything. "Ok, one lemonade." She writes down. "Uhh, I'll just stick with water." I nervously say. "Ok" she smiles and then darts her attention to Neo. "And for you?" She asks. "Ehh, just a Sprite." He says. "Ok, I'll be back with your drinks in a bit." She says, smiling and then walking away.

I skimmed the menu, hoping to see anything that sticks out to me. "Should we all just get a double with no pickles and call it good?" Neo eventually asks. "Yeah, I'm down." B3 replies, putting the menu down. We'll, then I guess I have no choice huh. "I agree, let's just do that" I say a moment later, also putting down the menu with a sigh. The waitress then comes up to us with our drinks. "Here you are, and have you three decided on what to order?" She asks, getting her pen up and ready. "Uhh, yeah, I think so. We'll all just have a double cheeseburger, no pickles, please." Neo said. She writes it down, and looks down at us once again. "Okay, then I'll be back shortly" She says, leaving again. To be honest, I don't like saying my orders out loud, it's a little embarrassing for me, which is why I'm grateful Neo normally does it for me.

We were all talking and chatting away eventually, bringing up random topics and having fun. I never get to thoroughly enjoy myself this much unless I'm with Grace or Pico, so getting to do this is always fun. I sometimes just stop talking, since I enjoy listening to their conversations. They always have a way of making the smallest things into the funniest shit in the world. I was enjoying myself so much, that I didn't even notice the waitress came up to us until I saw a burger on a plate appear infront of me. I look up at her, smiling awkwardly as she walked away. I start eating, still listening to them talk, despite their mouths being full with food. I sometimes make small comments on their conversations too, but that was rare. Sometimes I don't always like listening, I like talking too, but, I feel like if I were to outwardly say that, it would come off as rude, so I just listened.

We all eventually finished eating, despite B3 spilling his lemonade everywhere in a hand gesturing trance. We quickly cleaned it up though, so it was no biggie. Neo looked at the tab for a sec before saying "I'll pay, don't worry." "Oh, no, I can pay if you want." I said, taking out my wallet from my jean pocket. "No worries, I can pay, my treat." B3 spoke up, already having his wallet out. Oh boy. "I said," Neo started, putting down three 20 dollar bills, "I'll pay." "No, I can pay." B3 said, putting down a $100- WAIT A $100 BILL?? "Woah there, guys, no need to be like that! Here, I'll pay, ok? This isn't a competition." I stated, putting down two 20 dollar bills, since the total racked in to be about $36.96. Both pouted, but put their money back in their pockets. I giggled, they're too kind sometimes.

We left the burger shack, full and satisfied, despite them still being pouty about the money. "I should've payed" Neo said with his arms crossed. "It really doesn't matter, I'll pay for you guys any day!" I say in my most cheerful tone. They both sighed and smiled. I swear, their emotions are so in sync, they're like siblings. "Anyways, I need to go now, I promised my girlfriend I'd drink a few shots with her tonight." B3 said. "Aren't you underage?" Neo asked. "Duh. Only by a few months though (im making him 20 in this, sue me), so it doesn't matter all that much." He explained like as if it was an etiquette excuse. Neo sighed loudly, clearly being dramatic and slaping his forehead in dissatisfaction. Me and Neo hugged him goodbye regardless, "See ya'll later!" He said. "Bye bye!" I waved as he left. So too did Neo, but he only waved instead of saying goodbye too.

"Wanna walk home with me?" I offered. "Sure, I have nothing else better to anyways." Neo replied. The walk home was silent. He didn't say much, snd neither did I, well, until I did lol. "Is B3 getting on your nerves?" I asked. "To be honest, yeah, but-" he cut himself off, clearly struggling to find the right words. "I.. I trust him." I hummed and smiled. "I do too, he's smart, he just doesn't act like it." I beamed at him. "Yeah.. thank you." He said, smiling back. "For what?" I ask. "For being there for me, not everyone's willing to do that you know?" He said, sorta sad sounding. "Anytime" I responded happily. I walked up to my front doorstep and hugged him one last time. "Bye Neo!" I waved. "Byeeee!" He said, going home. Portal hoping is so much fun to watch. I walked inside. "Hey Toughie, I'm home!" I energetically said, hugging him. "Welcome home, had fun?" He asked. "Yup, did you have fun woth Neo and B3 GF?" I asked. "Mhm." He said, hugging tightly onto me. "I'm glad you had fun Baby Blue.." He said. "Me too.." I replied smiling into his chest.


A/N: hello, sorry for stalling abt doing this chapter, i got lazy lolol
Hope you enjoyed whatever this was lmao

Word Count: 1527

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