☁︎ drama kid ☔︎

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(He's in 7th grade for this lol)

Benjamin heart sank like the Titanic as he heard his teacher tell him what clubs he's in this year. "Benjamin, you're in art and drama." His teacher said, continuing to read off other names and electives.

Now, why would Benjamin be upset with art and drama? Well because none are a music related one. He's happy he got art, but he's terrified of being on a stage infront of crowds of people.

Not to mention, his father is most likely going to kill him. No music type clubs is bad but he can't help it, everyone joined the music clubs this year, hell, he doesn't even know how he got art because of how many people signed up for that too!!

As his class was dismissed out to the field for a break, he needed a moment to process this. WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO??? He can't tell his father that he didn't get a music elective because if he does then he'll get his ass beat, but he can't lie about it because he's the worst fucking liar to ever exist, plus report cards.

Shit, fuck, balls, piss. He thinks in his head. I'm fucked, I'm so fucked, I might aswell die. He continues, lost in his trance, not even noticing Grace walking up to him. "Hey Benji, are you doing ok?" She asked, nudging his shoulder in a joking manner, almost chuckling at the end of her sentence.

"Hm? Ah- yea, I'm fine, just thinking." Ben said, giving his best reassuring smile. Grace... wasn't all that convinced. She wasn't stupid, she knows when somethings wrong, especially when it comes to him.

She glared at him, and he honestly knew what she was signaling. He sighed a little, diverting his eyes down right. "I didn't get in a music club and I'm afraid my dad's going to be upset with me." He muttered. Grace hugged him suddenly. Ben flinched, almost frightened until he realized what just happened.

"Don't worry, it'll be ok." She said, not letting him go. He eventually hugged back. "Thank you..." He lightly said. They stayed like this for a few more seconds before they let eachother go.

Next day...

Today was first day of clubs, today of which just had to be drama. Ben didn't dare tell his father, and kept his mouth shut all yesterday about it.

Luckily, a few of his friends were in the drama club too with him. They could tell he was nervous and kept on reassuring him, patting his head, rubbing his back, just trying to ease the pain.

They gave everyone a few minutes to think of something to say to introduce yourself. But Ben's mind was preoccupied with other things. If my dad finds out, he might forbid me from going to my treehouse, let alone being burnt by the cigar! And if I can't go to the treehouse I can't see him. He thought to himself, acting like as of he's thinking about the introduction.

After the time was up, they called person after person. All of which introducing themselves. Benji couldn't pay attention to any of them though, of all went into one ear and out the other, not giving any a 2nd thought.

The finally, his name was called. "Hello, my name is Benjamin, most people just call me Ben. You might know me because of my dad, Frank Fairest, but I'm also an artist. That's pretty much it." He said, finalizing his sentence in an unsure tone.

Everyone lightly clapped and he took a seat, his blood pulsing by the second from how nervous he was.
He felt like he was gonna cry from how embarrassed he was.

Soon, class ended, and he was about to leave before- "Benjamin?" His teacher asked. "Y-..yes?" I responded in a quiet voice, barely over a whisper.

"It's ok to be nervous, alright? I could tell that you were on the verge of tears, but I just wanna let you know that no one in here will judge you, because they all feel the same way. Mk?" My teacher said, giving me a gentle smile.

".. Thank you, I needed that.." I finally muttered out. "You are excused." They said. With that, I headed out, taking a moment to recollect my self.

Maybe drama won't be so bad after all...


So, this was heavily inspired by a oneshot that read by GunInYourAss (great user lol) aswell as life events that are happening to me too (art drama and choir kid here) so yea (srry for not giving credits sooner, I was thinking abt it and I was like 'I could've sworn I got this idea from someone' LMAO)

WC: 732

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