☔︎ goodbye .* ☔︎

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Benjamin's / Soft BFs POV

I've been crying for the past 2 days unable to accept the fact that my cat, Trashi, is now dead. She's been dead for a few days now but, it just doesn't feel the same without her. She was run over by a car out in the streets after she ran away in the rain. She somehow escaped from the window, and I keep on blaming myself for not making the window shut tight enough.

Pico hasn't been dealing it greatly either, crying almost every night. Whenever we both start crying at night, we just tell stories or memories we had with her. "She was an amazing cat." He always said. And I would always hum in agreement. Sometimes we'd even listen to music to calm us down while crying, just holding onto each other.

Grace has already heard, and so has B3 and Neo too. They've all said they're extremely sorry for our loss, and Grace even suggested getting a new cat but.. I'm not ready for that yet. I don't want to just immediately replace Trashi, for she was irreplicable since the beginning. Neo and B3 think it's best I wait a bit before considering, to which I agree.

Pico's POV

I'm still processing that Trashi's gone. It all happened so suddenly. We came home from grocery shopping, look around to find that she isn't anywhere, look around outside, and there we saw her dead body. Ben started bawling his eyes out as soon as he saw her, asking her to wake up. I was more in shock, unable to feel anything for the first few seconds before it hit me, and woo boy did it hit me hard.

I started crying to, trying not to start sobbing while picking up her corpse. She was still and lifeless, and light in her eyes was lost. Since then, we had a small memorial service for her, and only a few people came. We buried her in our backyard, and Softie wrote on a big rock with sharpie, "R.I.P Trashi."

His last sentence that he said at the memorial service was "You're in a better place now, rest in peace, your meows will forever echo in our hearts." That really hit me straight to the heart and I started tearing up infront of everyone which was sort of awkward. But I couldn't care less, this was my cat I was crying over, after all.

After the service all we did was cry together until nightfall. To which we still were crying while holding eachother tight. "Goodbye, Trashi, I'll miss you." We both said together as we dosed off that night.


A/N: Hi, this was sort of a chapter that came out of nowhere, I know. My childhood cat died a few days ago and it's all I've been thinking about. So, the idea of this popped into my head. Hope you enjoyed regardless :)

Word count: 488

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