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(Picture on top is chica when she was younger)

Two years later

(Third person pov)

Chica walked into the office around 5pm she noticed two big buttons up by the door *I wonder what they do* she thought but she can't reach. She climbs up on the office chair and tries to reach for the top one but falls and hits the bottom one. Hears a scream and a crunch.
(Foxys Pov) I was walking down the hallway towards the office to find chica because she ran off. I was almost at the door but i fell on my stomach with one hand in the doorway. But then I feel pain and scream loudly, I look at my hand and see its bleeding alot. As I hear footsteps run towards me it fades to black.

(Freddys pov)
After I hear foxys scream I run towards it. I see foxy covered in blood his hand chopped off. I pick him up and I see on the ground in the office I give her a glare as I carry foxy to the back to heal him.

Time skip

After I heal foxy I go to the office where chica is in the corner shaking and crying, to be honest I can't be to mad at her it's not her fault she fell.
I crouch down to her level and ask "chica it's not your fault what's wrong" I ask trying to calm her down, she looks at me and says "I-I can make fire" she cried. I look at her arm and see a burn mark, "what do you mean?" I ask concerned. She opens her hand and then fire comes out if it, I quickly close her hand to make it stop. "OK you go find bonnie I have to make a phone call" I say. Before I walk out I hear "freddy wait" she says
"Is foxy ok?" She asks concerned. "He will be fine go find bonnie stay out of the backroom until he's better" I say seriously. She nods then goes to find bonnie, I walk up to the phone to call an old friend, *rings* someone picks up "hey bud its me I found out chica can control fire" I say "well freddy idk what to tell you except keep a close eye on her if she is showing any other powers call me Immediately" goldie says seriously and with that he hangs up. I wonder where she got that kind of power from?

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