Asking her

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(Bonnies pov)
It was just after our show and everyone was leaving i look at chica. Okay here i go im gonna ask her. I thought as I pace back and forth but what if she says no? What if she doesn't like me? My thoughts were interrupted by foxy tapping on my shoulder. "Mate just ask her" he says simply "how did you know?" I ask. "It doesn't matter if your heart tells you to ask her you should do it" he says. "Yea your right thanks foxy" I say before walking over to chica. I tap on her shoulder "hey chica" i say. "Oh hey bonnie you alright?" She asks me "yeah I'm fine i just wanted to ask you something" I say before looking at foxy who is nodding his head. "What is it?" She asks "i was wondering would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" I ask with a nervous look. "Sure I'd love too" she says with a smile.

*time skip 1 hour before the date*

                      (Chicas pov)
I cant believe he actually asked me out! I don't know what to wear. Suddenly I hear the door open and i see none other than the man himself. The man who raised me. Goldie. I stare in shock. What is he even doing here? "Goldie?" I ask. "The one and only" he chuckles as he opens his arms for me to wich I run into his open arms and embrace the hug. I didn't even notice that tears were falling until now. "Hey shh shh you'll be alright chica, I'm here" he says as he continues to hug me "so. I hear you have your first date tonight" he looks down at me. Oh shit. "Well......." I say not knowing what else to say. "I got the call from freddy so I came over here" he says "so who's the guy?" He asks "its bonnie...." I say smiling. He looked shocked. "Bonnie? Since when did he like you?" He asks "i don't know but can you please help me look nice for him?" I beg "that's what I came here for." He says before sitting me down in a chair facing a mirror.
30 minutes later we did my makeup and picked out a dress for me. (Basically she looks like toy chica but isn't because the toys don't exist in this world except mangle)

 (Basically she looks like toy chica but isn't because the toys don't exist in this world except mangle)

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(This is the dress she picked) I also put on my compass before I go. And with that I head up to the roof where he said to meet.

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