The injury

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(Goldies pov)
I'm sitting in my office working when I look at the time jeez 8:30 already? Where did the day go? I get up from my desk and go out of my office shutting the door behind me. I should probably Check on chica. I walk to her room but before I go in I see Mary by the front door looking worried. I walk over to her "Mary is something wrong you keep pacing back and forth", I ask her "Yes somethings wrong there's a huge thunder storm outside and chica went out hours ago and didn't come back im really worried" she started crying "WHAT?!" I say angrily. I bust through the door and book it to the forest because that's where chica usually trains. I look up to see some of it is on fire, I waste no time running in when suddenly I hear loud Barking, I run towards the noise to see a wolf pup trying to pull a tree off something. I look down to see chica unconscious. "Chica!" I yell. No response. I push the tree off and I scoop her up bridal style with tears in my eyes "please be ok" I whisper. I look at the wolf pup and nod telling it to follow. we run back to the pizzeria i bust through the door with the pup following. I run towards the medical office and put her on the bed. "Springbonnie!" I call. Moments later he comes running in asking what happened i tell him the story and he tells me to step out so he can check her.

(Chicas pov)
Its all black i couldn't move. I hear faint voices i try to make out what their saying "she sprained her arm she also has an concussion" one of the voices says. "Will she be alright?" The other asks "depends if she wakes up"
Are they talking about me? No matter I have to wake up. I try to move with success. I feel my fingers flinch, as I feel a hand on top of it with an "please wake up i can't lose you" I recognize that voice. Just then I open my eyes and adjust to the bright light, I look to my right to see goldie with his head down and eyes closed sitting in a chair holding my hand. I look at where I am to see im in the medical room in the pizzeria. "G-goldie?" I say in a very weak voice. He suddenly flinched hearing my voice and looked up.
(Goldies pov)
"G-goldie?" I hear i suddenly flinched from the voice. I looked up to see chica awake with bags under her eyes she looked very weak. "Chica thank God your awake!" I said as I hugged her. "Dont ever do that again" I say I was kinda mad but more worried then mad. "I'm sorry" she says with tears. "Dont be sorry just be better. you could have been killed training in a storm like that especially without telling me first. Your extremely lucky Mary told me you were outside." I scolded. "What happened to the wolf pup?" She asks with tears. I whistle and the pup comes in with clean fur and a bandage on his leg. "How did the pup not eat you but instead help?" I asked very confused.

(Chicas pov)
"How did the pup not eat you but instead help?" Goldie asked confused.
"Well when I was heading back I found him trapped under a log i figured his pack abandoned him and I couldn't leave him so I helped him." I explained. He gives me a simple hm as a response. "Can we keep him? Please he doesn't have a family" I begged using the classic cute eyes to help. "Gr fine but your taking full responsibility" he says. "Yes! Thank you thank you!" I cheer excitedly knowing Goldie couldn't resist puppy eyes it works every time. I've always wanted a dog but never asked for one.
"Well you should go back and rest ill go make a collar for him as well as tell the others your ok" he says "ok night goldie" I say laying back down. "Night chica I'm glad your ok" he says before thrn off the lights and shutting the door. I see my dog get up on the bed laying on my lap. I know a perfect name for him. "Know what I'm gonna name you Bucket" I say as I look down at the husky wolf pup. He gives me kisses I think he likes it. I lay back down and doze off. What if I hadn't found bucket? What if goldie hadn't found me? What if?....

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