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Among the mountains, somewhere within a deep valley where the redbuds bloom in heat, was a village of red. The weather warms with the change of season as the petals dance alongside the fresh breeze. The sunbeams gently against your skin as you help yourself with the soft fresh roses grown in the field beside your hometown you had grown to miss after traveling for so long.

After leaving your village at the age of fourteen, to enter a dance academy in the great city, and returning a few years, for a visit, you have grown into a fine beautiful lady. Maybe it was where you were born, the rose village, or the love for roses that you have that made you into a beautiful lady who resembles a rose.

Your jeweled headpiece dangles along with your hair as you turn slightly to smell the fresh scent of summer.

"Lady Y/N!" You heard your name called, standing up you move your hair behind your ear and wave. A bright smile paints your lips as you step through the field of red blooms.

The young man ushers you hurriedly to join his side and you do as he asks however the look on his face confuses you.

"Is there something wrong, Jeongin?" You wondered and his eyes quickly scan the field of red, where you had come from, the field which you planted yourself during your childhood.

"Uh... it's nothing but you should hurry and get dressed. The Village chief and your family have already gathered to see your performance," Jeongin hurries you down the hill, going back to the village, where they are currently preparing for the festival that will soon be celebrating the blooming of roses.

After you guys have disappeared, somebody sensed your presence among their rose fields of life. The crimson red bloom across the hill where you had made your presence known and as the stranger watch you from afar you suddenly caught his attention.

His ruby red hair burns within the light of the golden beams, seeping through the trees, he lay upon the tree branch and smiles.

Taking a bite of the apple he was about to enjoy before finding something interesting, which was you, he suddenly has no appetite as his new appetite was your presence.

"Perhaps, there may have been a new rose blooming somewhere around my field," a dark chuckle escapes his plump lips as he vanishes from where he was to find the Ruby Rose he has lay his eyes on.

Every year before summer officially begins, your village will throw a festival to celebrate the blooming of the red field, which consists of roses. As the years pass, the rose field, you made, expands, getting closer to your village each following year.

You found nothing particularly strange however your village folks think so otherwise.

At first, you were curious about when was there ever a celebration for such a simple yet beautiful existence of nature until you've recently heard from your close friend, Felix, that a few years ago a demon has suddenly appeared near your village, luring beautiful ladies at night.

A few young ladies have disappeared into the field of roses in the night and since then the village has decided to celebrate the blooming of the summer roses each year in hopes to keep the Rose Demon away from their wives and daughters.

Thus giving this village the name "Rose Village".

You wondered to yourself whether the rumors were true or not when you were the one who made the rose field for yourself. You'd never expect there to be an evil entity to take over such a beautiful creation made by your hard work.

"Oh and not only that, the village chief has set up a curfew for everybody here," explained Felix as Jeongin helps you fix your veil. You furrow your brows as you listen to them speak.

Felix, "Due to the strange things going around, the chief insists that everybody does not leave their home when the moon rises, in case the demon comes to find its prey."

You nodded again, clearly not interested, as your focus was on your pending performance. Your heart was racing as it's been so long since you last came home. You knew there have been new things and everything has changed but besides that, you wonder if your dance will be enough to fulfill their hearts as it seems everybody was stressed out about the demons.

You pray that your dance can put their heart at ease.

After changing your clothes and fixing your make up and accessories on you, Jeongin and Felix dismiss themselves from your dressing room

You stand up to grab your needs and head out the door to give your entrancing entrance.

The moment you stepped onto the stage set up for you, petals were tossed everywhere in the air, giving you an ethereal entrance as your sheer veil remained flowing elegantly along with your silk robe. The gleam of your accessories gives off its shine as you leap, and your legs balance your body as you softly move your figure across the stage while the people cheer in glee.

You twirl your body becoming one with the wind as your arms gently move along with the music being played. Moving your legs swiftly, you performed beautifully to the audience as your veil remain, keeping you a mystery.

As the rumor has been told, you were known as the beautiful red rose, which can not be claimed, as your thorns tend to prick upon those who try to touch you. Having been known about the rumors, the redhead stranger leans over the rails of the balcony where he had made his comfort on.

His dark orbs were captivated by your entrancing dance skills as your hair flowed along with the kiss of the wind. The sunbeam bestowed you an alluring goddess glow and he can not move his eyes from your figure as you pull him in more and more from the entertainment of the festival.

It is like he couldn't resist if he's been charmed.

However, as alluring as you were on stage dressed in red and gold he guess perhaps you were another rose that will soon join his field of red.

"What a beautiful rose," A dark grin paints his lips as he looks away from your bright figure on stage as soon as you were done with the grand opening performance.

The man steps away as he hums to himself,

"I wonder how long will it remain pure before it wilt."


This story is still in progress but like enjoy it while I write.

His red hair is so irresistable. 

The Red Dance - Hwang Hyunjin✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें