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With nowhere to run to and no one to go to free you from the accusations, you were brought to the ruby rose field, to be tested. Village folks held onto torches in their hands to prepare the fire for the trials and you stared down from where they tied you, emotionless. 

Your two best friends were held back by family and friends while your family begged and cried for mercy from the god and chief, yet nobody bats an eye to care. 

Your heart sinks down as you feel yourself falling into a dark abyss with nowhere to hide from all of the accusations that you have no power to prove wrong. If only there were any believers out there will they hear your prayer? 

Your mind drifts off as the chief came to say his apologies and explanations regarding the accusations. Everyone listens but your mind was not there. Your heart aches at the betrayal. How can something you love and call home be the same place that put you into a murderous sleep? 

A soft breeze caresses your face gently, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ears, and you look up to the field of beauty where you danced with the handsome stranger, who is nowhere to be seen. 

The sound of murmurs from around you weeps for you as you have no tears to spare for you had already used them up. 

The smell of roses enters your nose strongly and you turn your attention to look at the hidden voices coming from the ruby beauties again. 

"Y/N are you ready?" the Chief question you with a torch in his hand. A look of guilt is painted on his face as he tightens his grip on the piece of wood. 

The dancing flame in the folks' possession glows angrily as you repeat again with no hesitation. 

"I am not a witch," You said one last time and he nodded in agreement. 

The chief smiles sadly, "I believe you, my Dear. However, they will only believe you through this test..." You didn't respond but waited. Your eyes travel back to your two terrified friends. 

Felix sobs as Jeongin eyes water with fear. They were held back by their family members but even if they were not restricted, they would not have anything to prove your innocence. 

You flash them a smile. 

"I'm ready," you said. They both froze at your smile and you look back at the chief. "Put me on fire if that's the only way to get me out of here." He nodded.

The Chief walks away and as he turns back around he drops his torch signaling the others to do as he told, put the rose field on fire to prove your innocence that you were no witch and that this field was no cursed field of red but innocent beauties. 

You smile. The blaring blaze of red flames reflects in your eyes as your friends break into horrified screams of agony. They call for help in desperation and struggle to break themself free from the folks' grip as they cry for your safety. 

The stars in their eyes have fallen and you shut your eyes in guilt that you were the reason they cried. 

The breeze dances along with the roses as the flames get higher and closer to where you were captivated. You were ready to take the punishment for befriending a demon until you hear a familiar voice. 

"This is the field of roses that you've made with both of your hands," you shot your eyes open to look around the flaming wrath of the Rose Village but found nobody, in particular, you were hoping to find. 

However, you can hear him clearly. 

"This was where I lured all of them in," the breeze gets stronger as some of the village folks watch in awe of the flowing rose petals and some in fear.

The Red Dance - Hwang Hyunjin✔️Where stories live. Discover now