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Stepping off the stage you were greeted with delightful smiles and praise. Compliments were thrown over your way from many people you don't recognize and some you do.

"You're so beautiful Y/N."

"I have a son your age! I'm sure he will love to get to know you."

"Your dance is so captivating, Y/N!"

You giggle at the crowd, waving your hand slightly, and you walk away.

The festival begins the moment you walk away and soon the tensions died down, which you were thankful for as it seems you did put quite an effect on them. Hopefully, it remains like this until you leave.

Your heart slows as you try to find your friends, "Where did Felix go?"

A hand pats your back and you turn around to look, "What are you standing here for? Come join us, Jeongin and Jisung are waiting!" Felix ushers hurryingly again and you chuckle at his excitement.

You follow him as he leads you to your guys' favorite restaurant.

The freckled boy greets the others as you quickly hug them each when you saw them. Jisung was the first to speak, "I saw your performance. Oh my gosh, it was the most beautiful dance I have ever seen."

Jeongin rolls his eyes, "Don't be dramatic."

Jisung pouted, "It was so beautiful you knocked me out of my breath." Felix chuckles as he turns his attention to you.

Felix, "So, how long are you staying? You're here to visit us, am I right?"

You nodded as you take a bite of the food they've ordered. Then you said, "I'm here for a few days depending on how long the festival takes place but we'll see. I might leave in three days because I still have places to perform." Your friends all nodded in understanding.

After a while of talking and catching up with good food you guys all part ways as you have told them you wanted to go catch up with your family too.

After having part ways with the young men you turn and walk away, exploring the small festival set in your village of roses. The bright red color decorations catch your eyes everywhere you go and you swore it looked almost like a wedding from somewhere you've seen before. Your eyes trail around the rows of booths filled with fineries and merch.

You sensed a strange presence and immediately turn your head but see nobody. Your heart suddenly feels unsettled as you become aware of someone following you.

It was not an unusual occasion that you will be stalked or followed by strange men as they have been captivated by the strange beauty that you find rather troublesome and unfortunate than something to be a proud gift. You shake off the feelings and continue down the crowd of people.

Walking along, ever so smoothly behind your shadow was a red hair stranger dressed in a fitted black shirt as a long robe lays over his shoulder. His bright red hair darkens as the sun begins to set slowly, letting his crimson become noticeable in the shadow where he stands.

With his arms crossed, his lean figure moves away quickly as he saw your figure disappear.

You were not wrong about being followed but you were wrong about it being a strange creep who has bad intentions of taking your flower.

Well, maybe the bad intentions can be varied.

However, this stranger's intentions were different.

You stopped by the gate of your childhood home and sigh before opening the gate. Entering the property you can already hear people talking and smell the fresh delicacy being made. Your heart lightens as you hear your mother calls your name.

The Red Dance - Hwang Hyunjin✔️Where stories live. Discover now