Part 5

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Ayesha ran to her room and closed the door. Tears falling carelessly from her eyes. Her hands were trembling. She couldn't understand if she was happy by seeing him or not. Her vision blurring because of her tears. She got up from the floor and hurriedly ran inside the washroom. She turned on the shower and let the cold water ran through her trembling body. She sniffled slowly. Her body was sticky with sweat and tears.

How could he be here????

"Ayesha...." Amaya called from outside. Ayesha hurriedly wiped her tears and tried to control herself.

"Hae bolo?? I am taking a shower. " She called slowly and normally.

"Did you take your dress?" Amaya asked.

"Noooo!!!! Can you give the pink saree phupi gifted me?? Please?" Ayesha asked, wiping her tears.

"No way!!! You're not wearing a saree now!!!!" Amaya frowned.

"Please please please!!!! Give me na!!!! I am telling you if you don't give me the saree I will not wear anything. " Ayesha smiled.

"Fineeeee!!!!!" Amaya sighed before giving her the saree. "And don't be late!!! Guests are waiting......" Amaya left from there.

"Like guests are waiting for me!!!!!" Ayesha muttered under her breath. Her whole body suddenly burning in anger. She didn't know who she was angry with. She changed her saree and came out. She went infront of her mirror and look at her reflection. Her eyes were swollen due to crying. Her nose red.

She then suddenly remembered Adi was going to his grandparents house today for atleast 1 week. She pouted. That idiot is never around when she needs him.

She did her kajal and slowly went out of the room. Dean and his wife, Riya was not here. They probably went to their room. Ayesha sighed. She went towards her small bookshelf and took out her favorite book, "আগুনের পরশমণি" by Humayun Ahmed. She has read this book hundred times and she remembers every line of this books. But still she gets tears in her eyes everytime she reads the ending.

She was reading the book when Saisha came sitting beside her. Ayesha didn't look up from her book.

"I ammm sooo surprised by your reaction!!!!" Saisha exclaimed, throwing her hands up in surrender.

"What did you think???" Ayesha asked more angrily than she wanted, her head throbbing.

"I thought you would get a heart attack!!! Because I almost got one!!!!" Saisha said, giggling.

"Yeah, about that!!!" Ayesha rolled her eyes.

She started reading more intensely.

"Anyways, I am going to take a shower!!! Bye!!" She left from there. Ayesha turned the page of her book. Then suddenly Riya came there with a bright smile on her face. Ayesha looked up at her and smiled awkwardly.

"Hi!!!" Riya smiled.

"Hello!!!" Ayesha said slowly. She awkwardly put down her book. She sit upright and pulled her wet hair in a messy bun. Riya came and sat beside her.

"Which class you are in Ayesha?" Riya asked her. Ayesha smiled. Her breath hitching. She is really talking to Dean's wife. The person she only saw in pictures and almost hated. She not even that bad. She is nice.

"I am in class nine!!!" She said. She hoped her voice didn't crack due to nervousness.

"Great!!! You know Hindi???"

"Yeah, maybe!!!!"

"That will be easier because I don't know bangla!!!" Riya chuckled. Ayesha felt her lips twitching into a smile. She is starting to feel comfortable.

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