Part 7

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Adi came home after 2 days. Of course they wouldn't stay there after this news. The thing is he didn't come to meet Ayesha. It's been 7 days. She didn't want to meet him either. She had other things to worry about.

She didn't get to see Akash. He was always busy. By the time he comes home, she slept. But since Adi was not coming to meet her, she was spending a lot of time with Riya. She was sure Riya liked her a lot. She surely was a nice person.

Ma told Ayesha that they were starting Adi's chemo therapy from today. She should go to see him. But she doesn't want to. She just wants to ignore the pain.

"Ayesha, we are going to your fupi's house today!!!" Amaya told her.

"I don't want to go......." Ayesha said, she had a lot of homework to finish.

"But you have toooo....... Bashay keo thakbe na!!!!" Amaya frowned.

"I can stay alone!!!" Ayesha declared. Just thinking about it makes her excited.

"Never. Get ready, NOW!!!!" Amaya told her, frowning.


"It's ok!!! I can stay with her...." Riya offered.

"You don't need to, dear!!! Ayesha, get ready!!!"

"If I don't want to go, I will not go!!!!" Ayesha pouted.

"You are more stubborn day by day!!!!" Amaya scolded her, angrily. Ayesha's eyes filled with tears. She turned her head angrily.

"Don't scold her, Ayesha!!! You can stay!!! Akash is coming home soon today!!! I am sure he can take care of her." Riya said. Ayesha's eyes widened.






Is she crazy?

Also, she is not a kid. Atleast that's what she thinks.

Ayesha looked at Amaya, perplexed at how Amaya's face paled. She already knew what she was thinking. She also knew she had already fallen. She could not say no now after throwing a big tantrum like a kid.

Ayesha again looked at Saisha who was trying to hide her smirk. When Ayesha looked, she giggled.

"Umm, uhh sure!!!!" Amaya said, she was already glaring at Ayesha. She wouldn't want leave her daughter with a complete stranger. But Riya didn't seem to understand it.

"Ok...." She said, happily. "I'll go inform him!!!!" She got up slowly holding her baby bump and left.

Amaya looked at Ayesha. Ayesha bit her tongue.

"I think I want to go now!!!!" Ayesha said, feeling embarrassed.

"You didn't want to go right? Now suffer. " Amaya spat angrily before leaving.

Ayesha again looked at Saisha. Saisha was now full on smiling. She gave Ayesha a 'I can't help you' look and left.

Ayesha slapped her head.


Before leaving, Amaya whispered to Ayesha,

"Don't you dare to come out of your room, Ayesha!!!! And don't go to his room. "

"MAAAA!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK HUHHH!!!!!!" Ayesha screamed in embarrassment. How could she even think that?

"Do lock the main door and don't turn on the gas......" She said and then she left from there.

"Bye Ayesha!!!" Riya said.....

"Bye!!!" Ayesha waved at her awkwardly. They all left.

"Wait!!!! I need to use the washroom!!!!" Saisha said but dragged Ayesha with her in the room.

"What are-"

"Adi gave this to you!!! Bye bye!!!"

She ran out of the room. Ayesha looked at the chit before running behind her. They all left.

Akash came home just after 15 minutes they had left. Ayesha sighed in relief because she was getting a little bit scared. She opened the door.

Akash was looking tired. His eyes were a little red. Ayesha felt sad.


"Hi...." Ayesha said, awkwardly. She didn't know what else to say.

"Riya told me about.....umm you staying home alone so!!!" Akash said with a smile.

"Thank you!!!"

"It's alright!!! I should go change!!!"

"Sure!!!" Ayesha smiled slightly at him and he left. Ayesha sighed in relief but soon remembered something.

"De.... I mean, um do you need something?" Ayesha asked him.

"Umm, maybe a cup of tea!!!" Akash said, scratching his neck. Ok, he is awkward. Ayesha giggled.

"Ok, then you have to do me a favor!!!" Ayesha said, smiling at him.

Akash surprised, she never talked to him this openly before.

"And what is that?"

"I don't know how to turn on gas so........."

Akash laughed.

"Why are you laughing...."

"You know how to make tea but you don't know how to turn on gas!!!" Akash said, amused and Ayesha rolled her eyes.

"Ok ok let's go now!!!" Akash went to the kitchen past Ayesha and turned on the gas. Ayesha palmed her head.

"What happened now?" Akash asked, confused. Ayesha wanted to tell him he was an idiot but it would be rude.

"I know how to turn on gas!!! I just don't know how to use a lighter!!!!" Ayesha bit her lips to stop smiling.

"Ohh....." Now it was Akash's turn to be embarrassed. He helped her.

"Thank you!!!"

"It's alright!!! I will be right back. " He left from there and Ayesha couldn't stop smiling. It hurted her that she still liked him so much.

She came to Akash's room with tea but he had slept. He was looking so peaceful in his sleep. She didn't want to disturb him so she turned to leave.


She looked at him. He sat on bed rubbing his eyes. He looked tired.

"Sorry I had fallen asleep. "

"It's ok. Your tea....."

"Thank you. Ayesha, do you know Hindi?" Akash asked.

She liked how he used her name in every sentence. It somehow felt good hearing her name from him.

"Yes I know!!!" Ayesha said slowly. She kept looking at him. He yawned tiredly. Ayesha sat on the corner of the bed unwillingly. Amaya's words ran in her mind.

"Are you ok???" Ayesha asked slowly.

"Yeah, I am fine, just a little tired!!!" Akash tried to smile.

"I don't think so......" Ayesha put her hand on Akash's forehead surprising him. He blushed.

"You have fever!!!!" Ayesha said, tensed.

Hope you liked this part!!!!!

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