Chapter 3: New Life, Old Habits

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In the myth of Pandora, they say that women were creatures born to bring disasters to 'man'kind. She was made with the blessing of the gods, only to be tricked by them to inflict harm on humanity.

At least, that's how historians would describe it.

But to the residents of that time period, it wasn't a stretch to say they viewed women with contempt before that. The only 'women' among the Greek Pantheon being cruel to victims hurt by the Gods.

Medusa and every woman Zeus laid eyes on or got his wife's attention being clear examples. Anyone who knew anything about mythology would agree that the past was a melting pot of opinions.

Most of them twisted.

Like that time a play about the Athenian legal system devolved into Apollo, a popular Greek God with knowledge and protection under his domain, gave a speech about how women have no rights over their children. That they only served as incubators.

The point was that culture was hard to alter. Society was made by the people. Even if he had his own qualms and annoyances, he wouldn't be able to persuade anyone using his own common sense.

So, yeah...

Point being that cultural myths were VERY important. It shaped how society was built. So what did that have to do with the Pandorica Nation of today? Surely, there was nothing special.

The allusion to Pandora was clear to see. Well, that's where things turned strange... Adam, after having adapted to his new life with his body intact, read through a book detailing the legends of this place.

The result astounded him.

"They think they are the bad guys?" Adam sighed with this thought. Rather than trying to say that darkness was now light, all citizens born here had a shared understanding of their place in the universe.

They recognised that they were sinners. Their ancestors were traitors to humanity. However, there was always a silver lining. The rat of hope stopping those of Pandorica from being swallowed by despair.

Legends said that one day, a citizen of the great and distant Human Empire shall one day lead them to paradise. That they would one day be forgiven for their sins and be able to return to 'the light' with dignity. How and when was unclear...

That said, the way 'Otherworlders' were treated here seemed different from what he'd expected. He had expected an army to apprehend him, but was instead given a bold welcome. Not even a hint of bad vibes.

"Are you done reading?" The person who leant him the first edition copy of these myths called out. It was a man with silver highlights in his hair. The distinct colour of it being too natural to be artificial.

"This doesn't say much... It's just a bunch of theories and 'maybes' from scholars." Adam quipped. He wasn't sure why there was no fairy tales... The only thing he could find were manuals to live their lives.

Were stories banned here?

It didn't come up much in-game since 'The Villainess Against Fate' focused more on gameplay. Lore and how things came to be were always simplified. The past was already recorded, but not as stories.

The reason was obscure.

"Hey, aren't you being rude for a dud?!" The ego-fuelled hunk of charisma didn't back down. Wearing an expensive black suit and high class accessories naturally. You'd think this man was from Earth.

The only thing 'off' about it was the air of dignity that surrounded him. An atmosphere uncommon to see even in modern high society. He had this boldness that could only belong to royalty.

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