Chapter 13: Chaos

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"Oh, that idiot died too easily..." Wasp thought to herself. She wasn't aware of how Sebastian had revived, but that didn't matter to her. The death of her convenient escape tool also didn't matter at all.

Since she was going to wreck him anyway.

Wasp lifted her handed and tied her hair into a ponytail. They didn't stop to let her do it. This meaningless gesture was done leisurely while watching them attack. She wasn't in a rush.

In her sharp eyes, the world was slowed down.

Her adrenaline was pumping, but she was calm.

Sebastian took out an amethyst Spirit Stone and focused the electrical output exuding from him. He was doing exactly what she had predicted after having done his autopsy. The way she expected.

"Let the heavenly tribulations converge... Lightning Judgement!" Sebastian invoked powers with his chant. The moment a truly inconceivable amount of electricity focused in her direction, she'd made her decision. Her eyes rested on the hostages she had.

The ever-so-loyal kunoichi handed the least important hostage they took right on over to her with a powerful throw. His body shot through the air forcefully. Landing in the grasp of the assassin.

"Agh-!" Adam didn't even have the time to scream properly before was directly grabbed at the neck by Wasp. His hands tightly tied behind his back, and having no way to resist being used against Sebastian.

It was a situation that was traumatising him.

"Why...? Why is this happening?" Adam thought to himself. Despair written all over his face. He could not accept reality. Struggling meaninglessly despite being in enemy hands. Not wanting to give in.

His kidnapper did not appreciate his rebelliousness.

"Catch." Purple Wasp spoke fast. Her actions even faster than that one word. Using everything at her disposal, the eastern assassin threw her target directly into Sebastian's projection of energy.

Concentration was important to a Magician, so the sudden change in circumstances threw him off. He had no choice but to adjust his output. Trying to not turn their new landlord into ashes on the ground.

It was an unavoidable mistake...

A body slammed onto his shoulders. Sebastian didn't have time to disperse or alter his spell, causing it to misfire. He did not scream, but the interrupted magical spell was causing harm to him internally.

Sparks erupted and sizzled through his body.

"Ssss..." Sebastian hissed in pain.

The only fortune was that Kang Hyuk managed to sneak away before that happened. His eyes glanced at his friend's worsened condition. Residual sparks of electricity had surrounded Sebastian's body.

Things weren't looking good.

While Purple Wasp approached to finish the job, a shadow headed towards the ninja girl stood behind her. The battle afterwards was truly a mess. It didn't take long for the intruders to overpower them again.

After all, nothing about them had changed.

Sebastian somehow managed to heal from the deadly wound on his forehead, but that was it. Now he was in a position no better than before. Kang Hyuk was unbound and able, but he wasn't to be compared to a real fighter who ascended via battle.

Hyuk still managed to distract the ninja girl.

His battle tactics all dirty and underhanded.

On the other hand, Wasp used her 'Poison Qi' to knock out the opponents she was up against. She picked up Adam's slightly electrocuted body and pushed him down onto Sebastian's figure, then slammed both of them down to the ground.

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