Chapter 18: Intruding

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If there was one thing Shane hated the most, it was this world being entrenched in Classist philosophy above all. The people of Pandorica became naturally evil... Not the purposeful kind, but a thoughtless one.

At least those of the Lower Realms learnt from their mistakes, they used the past to build a future... but what of this world? All he had seen were people naturally fitting into the 'Classes' they were born without forethought. Ironically deciding their lives.

Commoners looked down on themselves without thinking they were worth the time of the powerful aristocrats. Their weakness stemming from a sense of inferiority, rather than the difference in capital.

It's what allowed the noble man and women of the world to continue their charade of being 'Dark Nobility'. Their wickedness unchanging even with time... yet these foolish creatures dared to dream of being brought into the light and easily forgiven?

In the time Reigning Queen, Lara Pandorica, took the throne, she had established herself as the enemy of many nobles. In fact, you could say her brand of 'hope' was making them use the system properly.

Giving human rights to common wealth, who were naturally born to be servants. This, as well as changing the relationship between the two. Those of the lower rung of society wouldn't be forced into unpaid labour, but treated with a level of dignity.

It was a slow process...

Even if one were to be categorised into the 'Thief' Class upon awakening, they wouldn't be unfairly discriminated against anymore. It was a mindset that threatened to take away the inherent majesty of higher ranking 'Rare Classes'. It was a great threat.

Especially to those passed their Class down through lineage. They wouldn't be able to accept her changes easily. Nobility would rather crash and burn into nothingness than give up their inherent privileges.

Shane assisted King Ramos and Queen Lara in their attempts to create a 'new nation'. He was the stopgap that prevented threats from the outside from getting in. Even more than the usual.

The careful balance of chaos was distorting...

It wasn't like harming the imperial family to steal authority was a first in this nation. There wasn't a need for such measures in the past due them being strong by themselves. Much more than average.

The 'privilege' of their bloodline beyond normal.

However, a sudden surge of ascenders in recent times made it possible for nobles to amass strong armies in secret. All they had to do was pretend that their 'newly unregistered' mercenaries didn't exist.

Rulers had to adapt with the times.

There was no choice but to change in order to live.

Lara was the first to understand this concept.

Ramos had followed her example.

One that properly used the concepts brought to them from the lower realms, rather than only taking advantage of the inherent usefulness of sorcery and technology. A crucial part of the queen's plans.

Without this, all further machinations were useless.

If they couldn't even tame the Dark Nobility of the present, then they had no right to venture into larger territories. Going beyond the scope given to them by Gaia... This was an ambition they currently set on.

Not knowing their protector had other thoughts.

That image Ramos showed instigated a distraction.

After having a look, Shane hoped the woman from the image hadn't been taken advantage of. Her name was 'Judetta Darby'. After failing as a swordsman and adventurer, her talents in biology was uncovered in their place. She used to identify monster corpses.

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