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Meredith walked into the locker room and started changing clothes. [i]She knew Mark was going to give her a hard time today about the scene in the kitchen. She just hoped he didn't do it in front of all the others. Damn that man could kiss. She just wished she had an extra pair of panties in her locker. [/i]

Derek walked into the locker room with Cristina, Addison and Burke. A few minutes later Mark came in. He gave her a sly smile, but didn't say anything. Dr. Bailey came in at exactly 0800.

"Well, I hope you all enjoyed your days off. I hope you are all rested and ready to work. I know you all gave serious consideration to what I said on how to improve. We are going to do rounds and then you all are hanging with me today."

Burke, Cristina, and Mark started following Dr. Bailey. Addison was almost out the door and turned around to see Derek give Meredith a quick, intimate and gentle caress with his hand on her face. Addison thought[i] what the fuck is going on there? No way would Derek be interested in the baby.[/i] They all filed out the door as Dr. Bailey led them to rounds.

After rounds, Dr. Bailey got a page and they all went to treatment room. The Chief was in there with a patient and two other residents.

Dr. Bailey said, "You paged Chief?"

"Yes. I want you to see this. The patient's name is Mrs. Drake. She was complaining about pressure on her chest."

Dr. Bailey and her group all crowd around the sedated patient to get a look.

Meredith asks, "Is that a towel?"

The Chief answers, "Yes."

Derek asks, "Where did it come from?"

Addison is not really paying any attention to the nasty black thing the Chief is holding up.[i] She can't believe Derek could possibly be interested in Grey. There was just no fucking way.[/i]

The Chief says, "Best guess; her surgery five years ago."

Dr. Bailey says, "Tell me it wasn't at Seattle Grace."

The Chief replies, "Unfortunately it was."

Dr. Bailey says, "Careless stupid idiot."

The Chief said, "Not good for the patient, not good for the hospital. Not good!"

The Chief turned to the other two residents and said, "She complained of pressure on her chest for five years. She said nobody took her seriously." He turned to walk into the hallway and Dr. Bailey and her interns followed.

The Chief said, "Dr. Bailey. You know what to do."

"Yes Sir. I will take care of it."

Dr. Bailey said, "Meet me at the nurse's station on the surgical floor in twenty minutes."

They all turned to walk away when Dr. Bailey said, "Dr. Grey. You stay."

Surprised Meredith turned around and said, "Okay. What do you need me to do?"

Dr. Bailey said, "I need you to hit the file room. It's in the basement. Find out everything you can about that initial operation. I need to know everyone who was in that room and who was responsible for closing."

Meredith replied, "I'm on it." She ran down the elevator and punched the button for the basement. She got out and looked for signs for departments.[i] She knew the morgue and billing were down there too. It was kind of creepy with low level lighting and quiet. Too quiet. [/i]She headed in one direction and caught a smell. [i]It was a death smell and she figured she was getting close to the morgue.[/i] She gagged a little and ran in the other direction. [i]The place was creeping her out.[/i] She found a minuscule sign that said file room at the end of the hall. She opened the door and saw a large woman eating donuts sitting behind a computer.


The woman barely glanced up and said, "Number?"

"Excuse me?"

"If you want a file, I need a number."

"I just have a patient name and surgery date."

The woman laughed and said, "Let me guess. You are an intern, right?"

Meredith was pissed. [i]This woman was of no help.[/i] She said sharply, "Just tell me what I need to get."

"Is the patient back?'


"There should be a coded number on her chart."

Meredith flipped open her phone and realized she had no signal.

The woman laughed and said, "Honey, those don't work down here. Is this your first day?"

Meredith gritted her teeth and asked, "May I use your phone please."

"I guess so."

Meredith called Dr. Bailey and told her what she needed. A few minutes later Dr. Bailey called back with the information.

Meredith handed her a piece of paper with a number on it.

The woman typed in the computer and spit out a form.

"Sign this."

Meredith signed and the woman handed her another piece of paper. "You can go back now. I can't help if the box is on the upper shelves."

Meredith walked into a cavernous space with hundreds of boxes.[i] Please God, don't let my box be on the top shelves [/i]she thought. [i]Dr. Bailey wanted this file ASAP.[/i] Everything was numbered accordingly and she found the one she needed. On a low shelf. She pulled the box out and found her file. She opened it and wasn't surprised when she saw the doctor's name that had closed. [i]DePalma.[/i] Meredith grabbed the file and ran out of the basement. [i]She hoped she didn't have to go back there any time soon.[/i]

She was getting in the elevator when her pager went off.[i] Dr. Bailey surgical floor? [/i]

Dr. Bailey was at the nurse's station and says to her group. "Hey. There is a new surgical case coming up from the pit. Likely diverticulitis. Let's go meet them at the elevator."

The doors open and the trauma doctors pushed the gurney out onto the surgical floor. One of them says nastily, "She's all your folks. Good luck." The elevator doors close and they are gone.

The patient screams, "Watch it. Hands off me. I could report you to the Chief and you'd be out on your ass."

[i]Cristina remembers what Dr. Bailey said about her patient skills and smiles at the woman as she opens her chart that was on the gurney with her.[/i]

The patient screams, "What are you looking at? Where is the Chief?"

As they move the gurney down the hall, Cristina says with shock, "The patient's name is...ah.."

The patient continues to scream, "What are you looking at with your fake smile? Where is the Chief?"

Meredith gets off the elevator and hears screaming. She starts walking slowly toward the noise as they are around a corner now. [i]That voice is familiar.[/i]

Cristina says, "Complaints of intermittent cramping, pain, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Also suffers from ..ah.."

Meredith can now see it is her mother and stares shocked. She starts backing away slowly.


Cristina says softy, "Alzheimer's."

Dr. Bailey asked, "Patient's name?"

Cristina says, "Um..."

Dr. Bailey says clearly irritated at Yang, "Yang! Patient's name?"

Ellis spots Meredith backing away and screams "What the hell are you doing here?"

Everyone looks at Meredith and witnesses the realization flood her face that it is indeed her mother screaming." Haven't I told you how many times not to bother me when I'm at work!"

Cristina says softy, "Patient's name is Ellis Grey."

Derek asked shocked "Meredith's Mother?"


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