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A few feet from the door, Meredith stopped abruptly. Derek looked at her and asked, "Meredith?"

"I hate that everyone will be talking and looking at me! I hate being the center of attention!"

Derek put his hand on the small of her back and said, "Breathe Mer, just breathe."

She took a deep breath and found him looking at her with reassurance. She sighed and thought to herself,[i] just go in and get it over with. Her mother was going to be at Seattle Grace for a few days. Deal with it[/i] she told herself.

She sighed and started walking again.

Derek asked, "Meredith. Did anyone say something to you? I mean, did someone say something hurtful to you yesterday? I wondered what happened that you left without me?"

Meredith started walking faster and Derek knew[i] that someone had indeed hurt Meredith yesterday. Enough to make her run from the hospital in the middle of a fucking storm! Assholes,[/i] he thought!

She said softy as they walked into the lobby, "I can handle my own battles Derek. I have been handling my own demons for years."

As they walked into the lobby Mark was waiting for them with fresh hot coffee from the coffee cart.

Mark looked between the two of them and[i] couldn't read them.[/i] He thrust their coffee into their hands and said, "Here you go guys. You don't know what you missed! The storms last night brought in lots of surgery. These people drive crazy in the rain. They are still mopping up. You should get some good surgeries too."

Meredith said, "Thanks Mark."

Derek replied, "Yeah. Thanks man."

They all walked towards the elevator and Derek pushed the button and shared a look with Mark. The elevator opened and they all went in. Some other people ran up and the elevator got crowed quickly. Derek was pressed up against the back wall with Mark and had Meredith in front of him. He put one hand firmly on the small of her back and another discreetly on her shoulder.

The doors started to close and Addison stepped in.[i] She was surprised to see Grey back so soon[/i] and gave everyone a tight fake smile. [i]Derek felt Meredith immediately tense up[/i] and gently rubbed her back in long strokes. Mark raised an eyebrow as Derek scowled.

As they exited, Derek shot Mark a look and inclined his head towards Mer. Mark nodded.[i] Derek had already spoken to Mark on the phone earlier and told him to keep a close watch on Meredith today when he wasn't able to.[/i]

Derek said, "Mer. I will meet you in the locker room."


As everyone headed towards the locker room, Derek found Dr. Bailey at the nurse's station.

"Dr. Bailey. Thanks for letting me leave early yesterday."

"You are going to make that up."

"Of course."

Dr. Bailey looked at Derek and asked, "Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to volunteer to be Dr. Grey's primary doctor for the duration."


"She knows me and Alzheimer's patients like familiarity."

"I don't do requests or favors. Yesterday being the exception."

"I just thought that..."

Dr. Bailey interrupted him and said, "Well you thought wrong."

Derek sighed and said, "Well at least can you not put Dr. Montgomery on her?"

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