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Derek and Meredith both fell back on the bed trying to collect their breaths.

Meredith giggled and said breathlessly, "That......that was....."

Derek panted, "Intense........This thing we have is intense!"

They both just laid there for a moment coming down from their simultaneous orgasms.

She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. "Is....is it always going to be like this with us?"

Derek rolled over and quickly took her in his arms. "Yes. It is. Because we love each other. I've never felt this way before Meredith." He nuzzled her clavicle.

Meredith moaned and said, "I love you too Derek."

"Um.......you smell good."

They heard footsteps on the stairs and realized Mark was home.

Meredith whispered, "We should be quiet now."

"Okay. I guess the screaming should stop now."

Meredith giggled and said, "Yes it should."

She said, "Um....Derek. I do need to talk to you about something."

Derek sat up a little and frowned at her seriousness. "Okay."

"I want to buy the ten acres that the lake sits on. Next to yours."

Confused Derek asked, "Why would you do that?"

"Well it is a great investment at a great price. And if we are going to build a house, don't you think it should be our land?"

He gently cupped her face and said, "Meredith. You don't need to do that. Ten acres is plenty. And besides, don't you think you need the money for your mom's ongoing care?"

"She set up a trust fund in my name only. It's been mine since I turned twenty-one. I've never touched it. Her money is paying for her care."

He said reverently, "Meredith. I am sincerely touched. But just because I can't swing the cliff property and the lake property doesn't mean you need to buy it."

She stared into his eyes and said, "I want to Derek. I want us to be equals. And if eventually.....later...we are going to build...it will be our property."

Derek smiled at her.[i] He knew how much it took to let him in. And she wasn't just letting him in. She was taking a huge leap of faith.[/i]

He asked, "Should we think about this?" [i]He wanted her to be one hundred percent sure.[/i]

Meredith yawned and said, "Not really. My money manager says it's a great investment. So.........."

He laughed, "So you are going to do it anyway? Bossy Mer!"

She giggled and said, "If I remember correctly, you like bossy Mer."

He kissed her gently and corrected her, "I love bossy Mer." He watched her eyes flutter.

She yawned and Derek asked, "Meredith. If we are talking about buying land together, maybe we..." He looked down at her and realized she was already sleeping.[i] He was always amazed at how quickly she could drift off and be totally gone, almost in rem sleep. They had had a long day at the hospital and a long study session. And a long love making session. He chuckled as he gently rolled her over and spooned her. It was better anyway. He was about to bring up the engagement word. She would have probably freaked out anyway. [/i] He sighed as he gently kissed the nape of her neck. [i]They'd talk after the intern test. She didn't need any distractions.[/i]


Derek was just starting to wake up when he heard a soft knock. He sat up and made sure Meredith was completely covered and said softy, "Come in."

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