aren kuboyasu sfw alphabet.

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parring aren kuboyasu x gn readercw none word count 2

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parring aren kuboyasu x gn reader
cw none
word count 2.1K

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Aren's not very romantically affectionate, it's not something he's used to really. He gives fist bumps, high fives, slaps on the back, and side hugs but other than that, he doesn't really know what to do. Once you teach him though, he's great at it. His hugs are warm, forehead kisses soft and sweet, pecks on the lips feel like pleasant zaps of electricity that you never want to get away from

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

He makes a great best friend once you can get him to open up. At first he seems closed off and uninteresting but once you two actually get to talking and he tells you about his delinquent past and actually shows his true personality, he's great. He's a great person to rely on and he's absolutely hilarious. Don't ever call him and say "i need help" because his immediate reaction will be "put the body on ice and don't move, I'll be right over" so unless you kill someone, he won't be much help. He's a very good guy though. He watches your drink at parties, walks you home every day, and does anything to keep you safe. Aren makes a lovely scary dog friend-

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Aren wasn't really used to cuddling. His parents were never very touchy, nor were past friends and partners of his so it wasn't something he was very well-versed in. Once he starts doing it with you though, he really likes it. He loves having you lay on his chest. He likes feeling your body on his, it makes him feel stronger. He also likes having you sit on his lap in public because he's very possessive

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He really likes the idea of settling down with you but he's a little afraid you'll leave him once he fully opens up to you so once you know his whole backstory and all of the things he's done that aren't good and you still accept him, he'll be ready. And while Aren's an okay cook, he only knows how to cook three different things and doesn't clean very well so if you want to be with him, I hope you like housework-

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He would definitely do it in person. He finds it very shallow to break up with someone over the phone and he would never want to hurt you like that, even though he doesn't love you anymore. He would be very apologetic while ending things and would request you two stay friends. If you need more time to accept what happened before trying to be friends, he'll be very understanding of you and give you all of the time you could need

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He's okay with commitment. He's not used to it but he really likes the idea of slipping a ring on your finger and having you be his forever. It makes him really happy to think about. He'd probably propose after two years of dating, he's sure you're the one so he wants to do it as soon as he can but it took him 6 months to figure out your ring size-

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