kusuo saiki.

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Kusuo Saiki x ReaderAngst Oneshot (major character death) 3

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Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Angst Oneshot (major character death) 3.6k words

You had gone on a trip with Saiki to a popular beach, but before you could get out of the ocean a tide wave swept you further away from the beach and your love. Shortly after you drowned from being tossed around like a ragdoll. Saiki has been blaming himself for your death, but hopefully you can help him accept what happened to you.

After you died, Saiki's mental health plummeted leaving him even colder than how he was before he met you. He couldn't stop thinking about what you said before you died, "I couldn't stay by your side".

Why did she feel like it was her duty to stay with him? He was the one who has supposed to protect her, he was the one who has supposed to save her but he didn't. Kurusu tried and tried to save you from the oceans abyss, but it was like Poseidon himself dragged you down in the deepest part of the water.

He tried to make the animals bring her body to the surface, but they swam away from Kusuo's desperate pleas. He rewound time and swam in himself, but you sank further and further into the ocean. If he stayed any longer, he would've drowned along with you.

He even went back to the first time you met, and tried to take a different path to school as to not run into you. But the sisters of fate had decided it was your destiny to die and there was nothing Kusuo could do.

He graduated high school and went to study abroad in hopes to forget about what happened to you. "Silly strawberry," you thought ", you're going to have to acknowledge it someday."

You followed him everywhere he went, you were his guardian angel, his conscience.

You were also his mom. Not in an inappropriate way, but rather you took care of him when his depression got the better of him. It was hard not to when he was in his tiny little apartment. To say the atmosphere was gloomy would be an understatement. It was like despair turned into a interior decorator and designed the whole place.

Currently Kusuo was starring at his computer screen. He wanted to reopen your court case, but it was rejected. Even if it was accepted Kusuo wouldn't have been able to pay the lawyer from his part-time job.

"Strawberry, you've got to go to bed. It's hella late and you have class tomorrow."

No response.

"Come on Saiki. Get your ass into bed."

Still no response. You're getting worried.


You walk over to his plastic desk. The table is one you would find at a kids birthday party, or a barbecue.

Kusuo had his glasses off, a rare sight, and was resting his head on his hands. He fell asleep already.

"Great. Now you're going to wake up with a crick in your neck."

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