kusuo saiki sfw alphebet.

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parring kusuo saiki x gn readercw murder mention and slight yandere themes word count 1

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parring kusuo saiki x gn reader
cw murder mention and slight yandere themes
word count 1.9 k

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Kusuo doesn't mind affection, he just doesn't really like to receive it unless he's having a bad day. He likes playing with your hair, kissing your forehead, having you on his lap, etc. but physical touch just isn't his favorite thing and he doesn't really like to be on the receiving end of it. He's capable of needing a hug after a bad day or wanting kisses every now and again but mostly, he just doesn't like to be touched

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

Kusuo is a good friend. He will try to deny the fact that you two are friends, saying that you're 'just another idiot who hangs around him' but he actually doesn't really mind your company. He likes hanging around you actually. Your friendship started by you thinking he looked lonely and going up to talk to him. There's no other way it could start because there's no way in hell he'd voluntarily talk to another person. He's a good friend, despite the fact that he claims to not be your friend. He keeps you safe, genuinely cares about you, and helps you with things you need (though it might take a lot of begging on your part beforehand if it's not life or death)

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Kusuo is okay with cuddling but he doesn't exactly prefer it. Again, physical touch just isn't his favorite thing. He does understand that some people require it to be happy though and he loves you so he has no problem cuddling with you for as long as you may need. He prefers to have you on his lap or being the big spoon when you cuddle but if you want to do something else, he'll have no problem with that

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He doesn't mind the idea of settling down but he probably wouldn't be ready for that for a while. He just needs to make sure that it's right for him and he's not very used to commitment so it would be an adjustment. He's really good at cooking and cleaning but though he's probably better at it than you, he doesn't like doing it all the time so you have to be okay with doing it at least sometimes

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He would leave you a very nice note as to why he has to end it with an apology at the end and also a request for you to not tell anyone about his powers. He doesn't like the thought of doing it in person, that could be awkward, so he'll just write a note

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

Kusuo likes the idea of commitment but it would probably be a while before he was ready for it. He'd most likely propose after about 5 years of dating. And thanks to his telepathy, he'll pick out the perfect ring for you and get a very good discount on it

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