{Ch. 4.5} Night and Shining Bones (G)

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"Come on, G. Play with me won't you?"


Your face scrunched up at her words. In no altercations did you plan on screwing someone in your unit, better yet someone that you were training far beneath you in rank. Even if she begged you, you still wouldn't do it because it was clearly wrong.

Amara's lidded [E/C] eyes looked into your pinpricks giving you a strange sense of attraction towards her. Glancing down, her red skin tight dress hitched up over her thighs giving you a perfect shot of her black laced underwear, her [S/C] flawless skin appearing soft to the touch. Your pinpricks looked back up over her in irritation before averting themselves out the window. She was beautiful, yes, but her beauty wasn't meant for someone like you to spoil. 

If she were to find relief, it wasn't going to be from you, that you knew of. For sure this woman didn't know what she was doing. After all, she was young, drugged, and evidently stupid at this point.

"So, are you going get off, Amara?" You asked, clearing your throat. 

"I want you to fuck me." She spoke, panting heavily. Your pinpricks snapped back to meet her lust driven eyes.. 

"No. No way in hell I'm doing that!" You groused, scooting further back into the seat.

"Well, I need something! Anything! Just touch me, please!"  Amara pleaded desparately. "Touch me anywhere for fifteen minutes. I know it's wrong asking from a stranger, but that's all I ask! My body's burning up and I need some sort of physical relief, so just touch me damn it!" 

You stared at her in hesitation, watching her chest heave up and down, eyes dazed, screaming for the need of pleasure. But then you thought... It was only for fifteen minutes and she'd get off of you, right? Although it's wrong, it didn't seem you had much of a choice.

"Fine, fifteen minutes only. Nothing more, understand?" You growled. Amara quickly nodded in reply. You grabbed her chin between your index and thumb phalange and brought her lips to yours, Amara immediately moaning into the kiss as her arms wrap around your neck. 

Her lips were soft, warm, and luscioucly plump. You could taste the peach nectarine gloss from her soft flesh as you pressed further. Your hands travelled alongside her curves from her waist to her hips, exploring to a certain extent. Your lips then departed from hers and pecked down her jawline and neck where the skin had been untainted by hickeys or bites. You bite softly into her plush skin, suckling the flesh between your lips and teeth.

"Ngh!~♡" A high pitched moan emerged from her throat in response, head tilting back while her back arches inwards into your chest. You didn't know why, but her moans sounded like a sweet melody to you perhaps as it did to all the other women you had dealt with in the past, so you had thought. 

Except, it wasn't. It wasn't the same, it was different.

It made you want to hear... More. Your hands moved down and held her bottom, squeezing her ass cheeks. Amara jolted in pleasure, her arms becoming tighter around your neck, gasps of bliss leaving her. Suddenly, something inside of you snapped.

Fuck it.

You flipped her over in your seat, pushing it down so she would be completely below you. Amara looked at you with need in her eyes. Her legs straddled your torso and pulled you closer with no shame, soft anxious pants still leaving her. You attacked her neck once again, slowing grinding your hips into hers teasingly slow. 

Amara moaned at this, her body awfully, yearningly hypersensitive to your touch.

Her scent of sweet honey nectarine filled your nasal cavity, the smell like an addictive sedative all the more. A predatory growl rised from your throat, a hand sliding up her plump thigh and squeezing it. Once again, her back arched upwards into your touch, this time calling your name in such a destitute way. 

"Mmm~♡ G~♡"

You sat up with the stability on your arms, looking over the woman you had made nearly a mess of. Her [H/C] shoulder length hair was in disaray, sprawled out like a halo while her red dress remained stuck to her body only somewhat above her waist as a light gleaming layer of sweat coated her skin, the moons reflection shining down on her curvaceous body. 

You paused, hesitating to proceed any further, questioning yourself.

Wait a minute... are you seriously doing this in a car? Filling out your sexual desires with a young woman who apparently doesn't know what she's doing? Better yet a soldier, a trainee recruit? That's--- that's kind of...

Low? Indeed it is son, you know better than that.

You don't think I know that?! *Sigh* I should just get her to the hospital and drop her off.

Ecstacy usually wears off in three to six hours depending on the dosage given, so it should at least diminish completely by morning. She's very lucky. Observing her symptoms, she only needs to be put to rest and she'll better the next day.

What about her memory?

She will most likely not remember anything at all. Her mind is not focused and her vision is far too blurry to pinpoint anything from even a close distance.

Well, that's a relief because I really don't need the extra trouble at work.

You should take her home.

And take the risk in another soldier seeing her exit my home? Hell no!

Then take her to her apartment then, you know where she lives. After all, you do have the information on all the soldiers if contacing is required.

...True. Might as well. 

Snapping out of your thoughts, you adjusted yourself backward and unwrapped Amara's legs from around you. She gave you a unsatisfied look, you ignoring her.

"Your little fifteen minutes is up, I trust you're satisfied, hm?" You inquired, pulling her up. Amara went back over into her seat with a plop, her brows gradually furrowing in confusion. "Don't answer that." You shook your head and turned forward putting your seatbelt back over your chest and turned the key to start the car.

In a matter of fifteen minutes, you had reached base and entered the barracks sector. You pulled in the nearest parking lot and turned off your headlights, careful not to disturb anybody in their apartments. You looked to your right to see Amara sound alseep, making you chuckle slightly for some reason. You unbuckled your seatbelt and opened your car door, stepping out and shutting it behind you. You walked over to the otherside and opened the door, reaching over to unbuckle Amara's seatbelt. 

You then picked her up from the seat bridal style and bumped the car door shut with your hip. Walking up the stairs, you heard muffled noises throughout a few apartments, people screaming, fucking, fighting. Yeah, crazy. Boy, you sure were glad youd didn't live anywhere near these barracks, otherwise, it would drive you mad. 

Anyways, you soon reached apartment 105, right where Amara lived. You didn't have the key, so you used your magic to unlock the door and open it. You looked around, the place quiet and dark. You carefully stepped through the apartment, being cautious not to bump into anything. Treading down the hall, you turned a sharp left into what you suspected to be Amara's room. 

Her room didn't have much to display, but it was enough to say someone lived here. A yellow aura surrounded the sheets, folding them back as you laid Amara down gently onto the bed. The sheets then folded back over stopping just below her chest. 

With a sigh, you turn your heel back but pause for a moment looking back at the now sleeping beauty recruit you had made out with not too long ago. You shook your head and turned back, teleporting out of the apartment and downstairs where your car was. 

You got in and shut the car door behind you, gripping the steering wheel and pulling out of the parking lot. Driving out of the barracks and back home, rapid thoughts ran through your mind all at once. All you could hope was that she would forget. Forget about you, forget about tonight. 

I hope she forgets. 

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now