{Ch. 15} Deployment

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It was finally time. 

You were to go to the airport today along with your fellow comrades to be stationed in Iraq, the most dangerous place on earth right now. This would also officially be your last day of communication with people of your world. 


Papyrus had dropped you and G off at the airport, Alphys, Frisk, Undyne, and Asriel all saying their tearful goodbyes. 

G watched from afar, well acquainted with these types of goodbyes. He had seen it time and time again, guilt always weaved into him knowing some would never come back like they promised.

That's why he doesn't necessarily do promises. It's just a weight of disappointment.

"We're going to miss you!" Alphys cried.

"You got this, Cutie." Frisk smiled, giving a thumbs up with a determined look though it looked forced. You could tell he was sad about your leave, but didn't want to make you upset so he put on a happy face instead.

"Yeah. What he said." Undyne grinned, tears streaming down her face although she was trying to ignore them. "Stay strong and keep focus. The moment you panic, it's over."

"Never let your guard down and be cautious at all times." Asriel added, wiping his tears.

You nodded. "I understand, thanks for the advice you guys."  You walked over to Papyrus and smiled, sadness in his pinpricks.

"Whatever happens, it was an honor having you as my friend, Papy." You thanked, tone chippery. "All of you as a matter of fact. You've been nothing but kind to me and I'm so very grateful for that. I'm really gonna miss you all!"

Papyrus took a knee and hugged you, you returned the gesture.

"The pleasure was all mine, tiny human. We will all miss you dearly." He smiled, orange translucent tears slipping down his cheekbones.

"Don't cry for me, Papy, I'll be okay." You chuckled, tears swelling in your eyes.

You looked off to Chara who was in his own little spot a bit far off. "Chara? Don't you want to say goodbye?"

"Just—Make it back in one piece all right, Pipsqueak?" Chara grunted, not meeting eyes with you.

He looked down to the side to avoid eye contact, knowing he'd probably never see you again as you are. It was whether you'd live and be traumatized or die in battle and be brought back in a casket.

He wanted neither for you but that was not his choice.

You enveloped Chara into a hug and he slowly returned it, hugging you back tighter as if you'd disappear if he let go.

"Don't worry, I'll make it back. I promise." You whispered reassuringly.

"You better." He huffed. Though you had your doubts, you weren't going to show them in these last moments.

You pulled back from the hug and kissed his pink rosy cheek. "I will." Chara's face turned a bright red and you giggled.

Cute, you thought.

Suddenly irritated, G checked his watch and pulled you away from Chara. "Alright, time to go! Love you guys... Except for you, Demon spawn."

"Whatever smiley trash bag, just bring her back alive." Chara hissed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Otherwise, I'll return the favor of un-aliving you."

"Relax, it's not like you can protect her anyways." He scoffed, rolling his pinpricks.

"Fuck you, Sans!" He growled, getting ready to fight. You got between them, putting in distance.

"Stop! I don't want to end our leave on such a negative note, so please, no fighting. Just say your goodbyes and let's part ways." You said.

Chara and G glared at one another for a solid moment then spoke.

"Fine. Goodbye, smiley—I mean, Sans. Safe travels."

"Thank you, and goodbye, Demon—I mean
... Chara."

"Good, now shake hands."

Both males grumbled incoherent words under their breaths but listened since they didn't want to upset you. They firmly shook hands, G squeezing Chara's hand as he did the exact same. They stared intensely into each other's cold gaze, underlined aggression for dominance a domineering battle.

You looked between them cluelessly, noticing their hands were connected for a bit too long.

"Um... You guys can let go now." You whispered.

They do as you say, still not breaking the fierce eye contact. You sigh. "Come on before we miss our flight."

You pinch a good handful of G's sleeve and he finally breaks away, picking up his ruck sack and luggage. You wave your last goodbye to everyone and do the same, the smile on your lips fallen once you were far from their view.

You go aboard and reach for your compartment, your height giving you the disadvantage. G drops his stuff and gives out an irritated sigh.

"Give it to me." He grumbled, taking your luggage. You take a moment to recognize him being nice though he sure had a strange way of doing so.

"Oh, um, thank you." You sheepishly blushed, looking down. 

"Yeah, yeah. Now go sit down and get some rest, you're gonna need it." 

"Yes, sir."  You nodded and moved over into your designated seat beside Brandon. "Hey Brandon, how are ya' feeling?"

"Exhausted." He groaned, turning to you with bags under his eyes.

You shuddered at his state. "Yeesh. What did you do last night? Party?"

"Yes actually, and I regret it deeply." He sighed, dragging his hands down his face. 

"Well, we've practically got almost fifteen hours and fifty-one minutes, so sleep all you want." You put forth, patting his shoulder. "You out of all people need it most." 

"Don't have ta'.... tell me.... twice..." Not even able to finish his sentence, Brandon snoozed off into a deep slumber against the window. You chuckled and shook your head at the alcoholic of a companion you had. You'd definitely have to make sure to watch him at all times. In Iraq, vulnerability equaled death. It's required that you be alert at all times and you planned to do just that. 

However, now was the time for you to rest a little longer and that was just what you were going to do. 

Rest then war. 

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن