{Ch. 11} A Hard Head Makes a Soft Ass

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You paced the locker room back and forth, an arm behind your back. You rubbed a hand at your chin in promiscuous thought.

G. G.... Where have I heard that name before?

Although the name was a simple individual letter, it rung a bell some place in that mind of yours for some reason. And since it rung a bell, it had to be important to your subconsciousness in some possible way.  

"Come on brain, you can puzzle anything else together, why not this?" You huffed. You halt your movement and close your eyes for a few seconds to try and test if anything comes to mind. Then, something did. 

A smokey sort of haze that appeared to be a bright, vivid orange yellow. What was it? Or... Who was it? The only things you could spot was the blazing aura around its right eye and hand. You felt... Scared. The familar color was similar to that of—

The sharp sound of a whistle split your thoughts into two causing you to flinch and snap your eyes open. 

"Crap, I'm going to be late!" You blurted out, voice echoing in the empty room. You snatched your hat off the bench seat and rushed out the door. You put your hat on and ran to formation to see everyone in line, Comman Sergeant Major Asshole— you mean—Serif there. He was in the middle of roll call and you had arrived just in time or at least before your name was called and you were marked absent. "I'm here!" You called out breathlessly. "I'm her—Ah!"

You were met with the hard ground, earning snickers and hidden laughter from your fellow comrades. You groaned and sat up looking back to whatever you had tripped over. It was a mat. 

Damn, I really need to be more aware of my surroundings, you thought. Loud thumping boots made their way towards you cutting the students laughter into silence. You looked back ahead to see a shadow looming over yours. 

"Care to explain why you're late?" Serif asked, tone of voice chilled to the bone. You shivered though there was not any cold air conditioning around. You sprung yourself up and brushed yourself off, flashing him a nervous smile. 

"I was busy?" You said with an unconvincing shrug. 

"Then I'm sure you can be busy enough this afternoon on janitor duty, huh?" He tittered, folding his arms in satisfaction. Your eyes widened before sinking into loathing disgust and anger. 

"I was only a second or two late,and you're giving me janitor duty?" You contended in disbelief.

"That's right. Would you like more duties added onto that? If not, I suggest you get in line." 


"Lawn duty. Now, get in line before I add another." You pursed your lips shut with a low glare as Serif maliciously smirked down at you. Your fingers curled inside of your palms with rage. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, letting your hands fall limp against your sides. You opened your eyes once again up at the prick of a skeleton and did as told. 

Your feet moved forward taking you past Serif to your designated spot. You stood with your hands behind your back, a shameful boiling blush that arose in your cheeks. You felt embarrassed and angered, particular feelings you had known all too well. 

Serif had finished the rest of roll call and instructed everyone to do the following excerises that involved more than over thirty times to repeat. Of course, everyone that morning blamed you because they believed you provoked Serif for being late, therefore, he tortured them all on purpose because of your actions. 

So, practically no one liked you at the moment except for Brandon. He was the only one who understood and didn't blame you for the torment of an excerise. After running fifteen laps, you both settled yourselves on the side benches to rest. You saw that Daisy was still running, as she passed she shot a side glare your way. Brandon took notice. 

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now