{Ch. 13.5} Almost Time (G)

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"I. Can't. Escape."

To be continued...

You're an asshole.

Okay, and where do you think I got that from?!

Clearly not me. I know how to treat a woman.

Well, you weren't around to teach me that since you were in your damn lab all the time!

That's besides the point. Your actions are inexcusable.

Shut it old man! Now's not the time!

Don't you feel at least an ounce of guilt for what you said?

Of course I do!

Then make things right. That's what you want is it not?

Yes, but I don't ever think she'd give me a chance, not after what I said...

Then try. Apologize and start anew.

I'll make the effort, but I won't be expecting a good result... 

You sigh.

"Amara, I can't say I understand how you feel—I don't. But, if you let me, I will be with you every step of the way."

"Don't try and get my hopes up when all you really want me to do is fail." She grumbled, looking down to the side.

She had never been so pessimistic of herself like this, you really did break her at this point.

"I'm sorry. Please, let me make up to you."

"No thanks." She said in a flat tone. She fixed to turn her heel, you grab her arm gently.

"What I said was wrong!" You admit aloud. Amara pauses and turns to look you in your pinpricks. You take in a deep breath then continue. "I never meant to hurt you, upset you, or make you angry... I just don't know how to express myself in an orderly fashion if I were to put it. I admit it, the bipolar topic did strike a nerve because I am actually bipolar, but that gives me absolutely no excuse for my words. What I said was on impulse because I—I felt like I was being attacked psychologically, so insulting you was my automatic response. It's sounds stupid and rude, I know. So, even if you don't forgive... I'm truly sorry." 

"What you said to me was something that only my father could ever truly say and not give a crap about it, but even so, I forgave him. I know his reasons and now I know yours, so... I forgive you.. and I apologize for what I said on my behalf as well." She smiled sweetly though you could sense sadness behind it. 

If only you could give her a hug then maybe that would help just a tad bit to relieve her pain, but regarding the fact you two weren't actually that close at all, you couldn't. 

You knew one another's names and where the other lived, sure, but you only knew each other through work and Paps. Besides, those two things, you were practically strangers. 

Physical affection would be too far.

You'd be overstepping your boundaries.

The least you could do is give her a ride home.

Yeah, but would she accept?

Probably. Never know until you try.

"Listen, um..." You shifted in your spot, sliding your hands in your pockets. "Can I offer you a ride home? It's not good to walk back in this kind of weather."

"No, it's fi—"

"I insist. Please." You pleaded softly, rubbing the back of your vertebrae. "At least, let me make things right by starting with this."

Amara stared at you for a few seconds. With a humble sigh, a small grin tugs her lips. "Alright Mister, let your redemption begin."


Author-chan: Hi guys! It's just me, you're life sized built bean burrito of an author here!  Sorry for the short chapter, my mind's been occupied with fifty percent work and fifty percent... Well, I don't know to be honest... Probably air. 

BUT(T), I do apologize for the wait. My midterms are right after Thanksgiving and I'm really determined to study and pass them all with the highest scoring grade I can to bring up my averages.

It sounds impossible, but it can be done! 

Love you guys!😅

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