Chapter 19 - Big Girls Don't Cry

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The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York - January 2022

But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself, and center
Clarity, peace, serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

Y/n listened as Fergie belted out the song Big Girls Don't Cry from the hospital's speakers. Exactly! She thought to herself. Big girls don't cry. It was something she learned to do during her stay at the hospital, which was not to cry even though she was lonely and missing everyone, especially.. She shook her head, trying to forget the man who caused her to be in the hospital in the first place.

She was walking down the hall of her ward toward the elevator, carrying her hand bag on her right shoulder and a small duffel bag on her left hand. Her one week stay at the hospital ended that day. She hadn't had any spotting for the past three days, so her doctor allowed her to go home. But she warned her to take things easy and try to lessen her physical activities. She also advised her to work from home if she could. She was supposed to start working again the day before, after New Years holiday was over, but she had explained her condition to her boss and thankfully he understood. He even allowed her to work from home for 3 days a week. She was really thankful that her boss was so understanding. He didn't even ask her about details of her pregnancy, like who her partner was even though he knew she wasn't married. Her boss took his employee's privacy seriously, and she was really grateful for that.

She had told her father and brother about her pregnancy. They were both happy about it but concerned as well as she had told them that she was going to go through the pregnancy alone. Her father was furious at Sebastian for leaving her at a time like this, but she tried to explain as best as she could about the situation between them. Her father still mentioned that he was going to give him a piece of his mind if they ever get to meet, even though Y/n had explained that she was okay being alone. Her brother was a bit more understanding and didn't ask her too much about what was going on between her and Sebastian. They both promised to be there for her when it was time for her to give birth. They weren't going to let her go through that alone. She had also told Shannon about her pregnancy. Shannon was ecstatic when she heard it, but she was also devastated that Sebastian didn't know and even had broken up with her. She refused to believe that Sebastian had the heart to break up with her just like that. She had suspicions that it had something to do with Ana. But Y/n just wouldn't want think about it too much. She had enough on her plate.

Her nausea had become worst as the days into her pregnancy progressed. She was constantly nauseous, not just when she was triggered. Thankfully she had the nurses to help. The nurses had suggested for her to sniff on either peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils to ease the nausea. The oils were a life saver for her. Without them she wouldn't have been able to function. Eating was also a challenge. Food that she used to love were not appetizing at all for her. She tried ordering Rubirosa pizza the second night she was at the hospital as she wasn't very excited eating the bland food the hospital gave her. But the minute she smelled the melted cheese coming from the pizza all she wanted was to vomit. So she reluctantly gave the pizza to the nurses and ate saltine crackers instead. She could've sworn that saltine crackers were the only thing she could eat. The nurses tried to give her other food and she was happy they tried because otherwise she wouldn't know the food that she still wanted to eat. By the end of her stay at the hospital she had figured out all the food she could eat without causing her to want to vomit. Something that would definitely help as she prepared to take care of herself back at her apartment.

Always You - Sebastian Stan x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now