Chapter three-meeting the Coronel and a small incident at the entrance doors

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As I waved goodbye to Hank I looked at the mansion, I hummed as I let my eyes wander and explored how large the Mansion looked on the outside. I noticed someone standing near the door. He was wearing a tan explorer hat and wore like a jungle military outfit, the color pattern for him I noticed was definitely tan, but I did notice a red silk shirt that was slightly hidden under the males coat,huh..Interesting, I thought as I continued to observe the male before I would approach him.

   I also noticed that he had a mustache and was wearing glasses, the lenses were orange while there were some smaller little glasses or just small monicals that were attached to the left part of his glasses. In summary this guy definitely seemed..odd, He looked familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the mansion, my boots clicking and definitely alerting the tall male of my presence as I walked towards him. He turned around and his small frown had turned into a giant grin. I gave a small smile as a friendly jester.

"Ahh Bully! And here I thought I'd be the last guest to arrive."He said in an accent that I couldn't place my finger on until it finally clicked in my brain on who this man was, it was my friend William! God, he has definitely changed since the last time I saw him.

"It's nice to see you again William." I said as I stood in front of him, his eyes widened and as if his grin could get any bigger it did, "Y/n! Bully, it's been such a long time since we've seen each other. But I do go by coronel by my close friends so you may call me that as well if it pleases you." He said giving a small bow and looked up at me with a smile.

I giggled slightly at his accent, I always found his accent funny and nice to listen to. It made me happy. " Alright then colonel, shall we go inside?" I said giggling and giving him a bright smile. The Colonel smiled and nodded, "Well then after you." He said moving a bit for me to reach the door. I hummed, "Such a gentleman" I said chuckling as I walked up to the entrance door.

I opened the door and I was immediately greeted by the butler, I think his name is benjamin. He was wearing the usual butler attire, a white collared shirt and a black like vest that connected in the middle of his chest. Buttons covering up the middle part of the butler's white shirt. He also had a small black bowtie that was connected to his white shirt. And he wore white gloves. The glove part made me a little confused as to why he would need to wear them unless Mark probably told him to. He also had black shoes and black pants. The color scheme matched perfectly all together.

The butler smiled when he saw me, " Ahh bonjour! Welcome to Markiplier manor." The butler said opening the door more for me as I walked in, the colonel following close behind me. "May I see your invitation please?" The butler asked, holding out his hand for me to give him the invitation.

I nodded and searched my wallet for the invitation that I had folded up, I couldn't find it..shit fuck fuck fuck- I chuckled nervously looking up at the butler, "funny story..I..I can't find it." I said, giving him a nervous smile. The butler seemed surprised at my words that I had lost the invitation and then frowned, "I am afraid if you don't have an invitation you cannot come inside." He replied, frowning.

I sighed and nodded, I knew there was no way I could try and bargain with the butler to let me inside, I turned around starting to walk before I bumped into a larger figure. It couldn't have been William because he had already been let inside. I looked up and was shocked to see..hank? He looked at me with a smile. "You left your stupid invatation in my car." He said handing me the invite. I felt my ears flush with embarrassment. Gods how could I have been so stupid.

"Thank you so much Hank, Is there any way I could repay you?" I replied as I looked at the tall man. He chuckled his gray-ish hair blowing slightly from the wind. "I read the thing and it said you could bring a plus one." He said smiling, I hummed realizing what he wanted. He wanted to join the party with me.

I laughed, giving Hank a bright smile. "I wouldn't mind at all if you were my plus one Hank." I said, giving him a smile. Hank silently cheered as he muttered a small yes to himself. I hummed before turning back to the door which had again closed. I walked back over Hank following me and I knocked once again. The large wooden door opened and I was met face to face with the butler, "Miss, sir or guest I told you that you cannot enter without an invitation." The butler said as he was about to close the door again. I stopped it with my foot. I winced slightly at the impact because it was a very fuckin heavy door.

"I found my invitation. And I also brought my plus one." I replied, handing the butler the invitation. Hank seemed a little upset that the butler was about to close the door on me. But he said nothing about it. The Butler opened the door fully and took the invitation reading over it before nodding.

"Very good, very good. "He said ushering both me and Hank inside of the Manor. "Right this way, I shall fetch you two both a drink forthwith. "The butler replied before closing the door behind us and quickly walking away, probably to the kitchen. I looked around the large room smiling at the old memories that were slowly arising from their locked graves. I always tried to keep out the old memories not wanting to remember them. But of course the memories had to escape some day. And I guess today was that day.

Hank seemed to be in awe at how large the mansion was, I laughed at his reaction. "What? Never seen a large mansion before Hank?" I said teasing the guy. Hank glared at me playfully and shoved me slightly.

"Oh shut up." He said, rolling his eyes. I laughed once more and smiled. Huh...maybe coming to the mansion won't be so bad..

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