Chapter 8-

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Chapter eight- A sad betrayal of a not very close friend.

Abe seemed very happy with my response as he nodded, "Alrighty then, hand me that fingerprinting case, partner." He said pointing behind me. I nodded slightly and turned around seeing the black silk case containing whatever the detective probably had in it. I reached out my hand to grab it but I immediately pulled it back in pain..blood was already hitting the ground falling in droplets from my arm with broken teacup shards.

Abe frowned, "something wrong kid?" He asked, looking at me with a look of concern? I took a deep breath, " arm is literally covered in teacup shards.." I said holding my arm out for them to see for a split second before covering it back up with my other hand.

The butler rushed to my side, he held my arm inspecting it. "I shall go fetch you some bandages and disinfecting wipes to make sure the wounds do not get infected, Detective you go grab the kit yourself, Y/n. I suggest you sit down on the couch." The butler instructed, looking  at both me and Abe.

I shook my head, "No,no it's fine. I don't mind grabbing the kit for him." I said looking at the butler and giving a weak smile. The butler frowned, "I insist, you are injured and the detective can get it himself.''He replied and led me over to one of the couches.

I sighed in defeat and just nodded as I sat down on the couch, I felt myself immediately grow comfy laying on the comfy cushions of the comfy couch. Abe seemed to be a little annoyed that I couldn't grab the kit for him but begrudgingly walked over and grabbed the kit himself. I watched as he set all the stuff up.I was surprised by how many things fit into that small case.

"Thanks for wanting to help, partner." Abe said as he tossed the kit that was in his hand onto the floor. A white drape was hiding Mark's body. Abe kneeled down as he lifted a part of the sheet up. My attention that was on Abe moved when I heard footsteps approaching, actually multiple footsteps. I looked at where they were coming from and I saw Damien and Phantom.

Phantom looked tired as they were clinging onto Damien tightly. Damien seemed confused. "I heard screaming moments ago. What the hell has happened here?" Damien asked, holding his cane in his right hand.

The butler had returned and was now tending to the shards that had been lodged into my arm. I hissed slightly in pain when the butler pulled the shards out one by one. He looked up at the mayor. He was frowning.

"Mr.mayor..I' sorry there's been a murder" the butler said to Damien before going back to pulling the shards out of my arm.

Damien looked at me and I saw a giant flash of fear flash in his eyes for a quick second, " y/n! What happened!?" he said, worried in his voice.

I just gave him a small smile and a chuckle, " eh just me being clumsy like usual. Don't worry about me, I'm quite alright." I responded by giving him a shaky thumbs up.

Damien didn't seem to believe me but he nodded, he probably was gonna ask me about it later today. He turned his attention back to the detective and chef, "who was murdered ?" he asked his voice stern and demanding.

Chef seemed silent; he looked around before looking at Damien. " It's Mark,"he said, his voice holding what I thought was sorrow.

I finally noticed something, " where is Hank?" I asked, gaining everyone's attention. Phantom frowned. "He...he left.. He said that he really didn't like what happened last night so he left right after everyone went to bed"Phantom said with a sigh.
I felt my body freeze, even if it was warm in the room I was sitting in right at this moment I felt like everything went cold. He..left? He left me here...alone..without even telling me..I didn't know how many moments had passed as I just stared at the floor without saying a word.

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