Chapter 7-a murder and becoming the detectives partner

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I didn't know how long I was screaming for but when I heard footsteps coming running down the stairs I knew I had attracted attention, if it wasn't the crash of the shattered to cup then it probably was my loud screaming. The detective came walking inside of the room, maybe he didn't hear my screaming.

"Did anyone hear that lightin-OH MY GOD! THERE'S BEEN A MURDER!!" He seemed to stumble back, hitting one of the frames of the entrance. He was wearing a white robe...I was still frozen in shock. I didn't respond as I just continued to stare at Mark's dead body.

Soon the butler also walked in as lightening struck again, "Exuse me did you hear ligh-OH MY GOD MURDER!" The butler said, he didn't stumble back but instead he walked fast and forward over to Mark's dead body. I was moved slightly as Benjamin inspected his employer's dead body. Abe seemed to be in complete shock, his chest rising and falling slightly faster than normal.

I heard more footsteps come by from where abe and the butler had walked from, "Did you- MUUURDERR!" the chef yelled pointing at the body. I couldn't tell if he was shocked or just confused..probably both honestly. I was shaking slightly before I felt someone grab me by my shirt. I snapped out of my fear stricken gaze and turned my attention to who had jolted was abe..He seemed to be angry but also interested. He got close to my face,

"What the hell happened here? Who's in charge around here?" Before I could even get a squeak out he talked again, "Trick question!that guy!" He said pointing to Mark..or Mark's dead body.

"And he's dead now, which makes ME in charge." Abe said as I turned my attention back onto him. I only now noticed that he had a beard and was also wearing some kind of detective hat..

"So you better listen up good, bucko. Cause you haven't been paying attention, there's been a bit of a...killin'..." Abe said as he looked up and chef followed his gaze looking back and forth. I as well followed everyone's gaze before my attention was turned back over to abe when he started talking again.

"And you're my prime suspect." Abe said pointing a finger at me.I was taken aback by his words. "What!? Why am I your main suspect!? I'm the one who found the damn body!" I said my words harshly as I glared at the detective. He seemed shocked that I finally talked and acknowledged his words.

"You were literally the first person I saw and you were standing next to the body! That's pretty damn suspicious to me!" Abe replied, glaring at me. I scoffed. "It could have been anyone who found Mark's body! I was just unlucky to actually see it for myself.

Before Abe could make another snarky remark I felt a pull on my pants. I looked down and I saw the kid from last night..they still had those black crow-like feathery wings..and the pointy elf ears. I thought I was imagining it cause I was pretty drunk..but apparently not..

"Is..Is papa sleeping..?" I felt my heart break..when I finally realized who this kid was forest..Marks kid, and right now his own child is having to see their fathers dead body. I froze as I just stared at the kid. They seemed to be staring at me with curiosity..wanting an answer out of me. I just continued to stay completely silent..not daring to even let out a peep of a word.

The butler ushered the child out of the scene telling them, "Mark is sleeping, he fell asleep earlier today and We were about to just put him up in his room." As he led the child to their room. Abe didn't seem to care that a literal child just had to witness seeing their dead fathers body as he turned his attention back over to me.

"Since you're my prime suspect you better get to explaining right quick as to the what, where, when and why you happen to be here upon this man's death!" Abe said in a harsh voice. I glared at him. " I don't need to tell you absolute shit mate!" I hissed back at him with an almost venomous tone.

Apparently I hadn't noticed that the butler had returned and had leaned down to inspect the body, he looked up at the detective, "sir, the body is cold. He's been dead for a while." the butler said as he continued to inspect the body. I was surprised..How the hell does he even know that?

Abe rolled his eyes at the butler's words. He let out a low chuckle, "A likely story,..that I happen to believe entirely. All right, you're off the hook for now, but I'm a detective and-" I interrupted him.

"Really? If you're a detective then shouldn't a detective review all the evidence first before having a prime suspect?" I replied, crossing my arms. I hissed in pain as I felt the shards from the broken teacup dig slightly into my arm, I hadn't noticed that some of the shards had lodged themselves into my skin. I didn't even invite them, the bloody bastards..well I guess they are bloody because they are drawing blood from where they laid in my skin.

The chef also seemed to be highly suspicious of Abe, he glared at the detective. "Oh yeah? Prove you're a real dick!" The chef said glaring at Abe and pointing a finger at him with annoyance. Abe rolled his eyes and pulled a wallet out from his robe.

He held it up to the chef's face, "here's my badge, Asshole." Abe said glaring at the detective before turning his attention over to me. And then a bunch of photos that were combined together with a long white sheet of picture paper and what the picture paper was holding inside was a bunch of pictures with abe..and some...people.. I didn't know who those people were. But I'm guessing he is about to explain that.

Abe looked down and sighed as he started to pick the photos up from the bottom and folded them together. "Ah, those are my old partners. Don't ask me about them." Abe said as he continued to pick the photos up. I just shrugged about speaking" before he continued talking, "Fine I'll tell you!" He said finishing up picking up the photos as he looked at me.

"Each one of them died. Each death was more tragic than the last."Abe said looking at me, I could tell he had a pinch of sadness in his eyes as he explained what had happened to his old partners. But then he looked over to the side as he continued, "A few of them even died in ironically hilarious ways." He shrugged slightly. I looked over at the chef. He was staring at me with a look of shock but also confusion. His eyes were wide, like a deer in headlights.

"Which made it all the more tragic.'' Abe said, looking at me with a bit of amusement in his eyes. He smirked and I assumed he got an idea. "But hey, you seem like you're up for the task. You're my new partner." He said, smirking.

I was taken aback by his words, there was no way in the nine circles of hell you were going to be this man's partner! I glared at him. "I think the fuck not!" I snarled glaring daggers at Abe.

Abe only just chuckled, "that's what all my old partners used to say."He said with a smile on his face.he then paused his eyes looking to the side for a small second, and his smile turned into a slight frown. "Right before they died..." He said

And now I was even more nervous, if all his partners said they didn't want to be his partners..literally right before they died then what the hell was gonna happen to me!? I turned my attention all the way over to the chef. He had a face of worry as his eyes met mine. His mouth was slightly agape.

I sighed in annoyance..there was no way I was getting out of this predicament I found myself in..I just looked back at Abe and nodded. "Yeah sure...I guess I'll be your stupid partner." I muttered

Abe smiled and nodded.

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